AptRepositories » History » Revision 49
Revision 48 (Mark Clarkstone, 2017-04-04 20:25) → Revision 49/148 (Mark Clarkstone, 2017-04-11 23:13)
h1. Official Apt Repository
h2. Notice
*Due to a build system error, this repository isn't being automatically updated. It will be resolved ASAP. Please do not open issues/send e-mails regarding this.*
For those using the unstable builds, packages from "here":https://doozer.io/tvheadend/tvheadend/builds "here":https://doozer.io/mpmc/tvheadend/builds have been +manually+ manually pushed for the following distributions/architectures:-
* Ubuntu, Xenial/Trusty and Debian
** Jessie "jessie" (8) - i386 / amd64
* Ubuntu
** Xenial "xenial" (16.04) - i386 / amd64 / armhf / arm64 - see note 1 + 2.
** Trusty "trusty" (14.04) - i386 / amd64 - see note 1.
# Due to issues with building x264, i386 builds have limited transcoding support.
# armhf and arm64 builds do not have transcoding built in at the moment.
# New targets will be added as soon as possible.
To install these builds please follow the usage instructions below. Jessie.
The official Apt repository has now been moved to https://bintray.com/tvheadend
Unfortunately the migration required a change to the repository structure that makes it's layout incompatible with the existing http://apt.tvheadend.org repository, therefore we have not tried to map the old URLs to the new repository. Instead the old repository will continue to exist for the foreseeable future (including updates), however we'd prefer if people could migrate to the bintray version.
h2. Build type
As before there are 3 standard build types (though I've added a 4th to keep old users happy):
* release - This will contain the latest official / stable release.
* stable - This will contain a nightly build from the latest release branch. It will pick up fixes in prep. for the next release.
* unstable - This will contain a nightly build from the development branch (master). It will contain the bleeding edge, but could be potentially unstable.
* obsolete - This contains a build of the last release from the 3.4 branch, it will receive no further updates.
h2. Supported Distro's / Platforms
* Ubuntu
** Xenial "xenial" (16.04) - i386 / amd64
** Wily Werewolf "wily" (15.10) - i386 / amd64
** Trusty (14.04) "trusty" - i386 / amd64
* Debian and Raspbian
** Jessie "jessie" - i386 / amd64 / ARMv6:armhf (release build only - see note 3 below)
** Wheezy "wheezy" - i386 / amd64 / ARMv6:armhf (release build only - see note 3 below)
# It's the intention to include Sid as well, unfortunately there have been some hiccups getting this working.
# Ubuntu Vivid Vervet & Precise Pangolin are no longer supported (by this repository).
# Raspbian (armhf) builds are done manually, but due to lack of time the release build provided by this repository is lagging behind. An unofficial bintray repository kindly provided by Jonathan Thomson is available "here":https://tvheadend.org/boards/5/topics/21528?r=23476.
h2. Usage
First install bintray's GPG key:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
Select which build type you want and add the repository accordingly:
echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/tvheadend/deb DISTRO BUILDTYPE" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
Replace DISTRO with the distribution's code name (as quoted in the _Supported Distro's / Platforms_ list).
Replace BUILDTYPE with the desired build type.
> Example:
> <pre>
echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/tvheadend/deb xenial stable" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
Refresh the available packages and install:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tvheadend
Note: if you install more than one suite you will only ever get packages from the one holding the most recent version number, so the order of priority would be:
unstable > stable > release > obsolete
h2. Legacy Bintray Apt Repository
If you're still using the old http://bintray.com/dreamcat4 repository do not panic it's +still+ being supported for the foreseeable future.
h3. Build type
This repository also provides 4 possible components. However they are slightly different to those in the official repository and some of the names have different meanings.
* master - This will contain *nightly* builds from the master branch. This is equivalent to "unstable" in the official repo.
* unstable - This will contain *weekly* builds from the master branch. This has no equivalent in the official repo.
* testing - This will contain *nightly* builds from the release/4.x branch. This is equivalent to "stable" in the official repo.
* stable - This will contain the latest stable release. This is equivalent to "release" in the official repo.
h3. Supported Distro's / Platforms
+This repository only officially supports builds for one platform Ubuntu Trusty amd64.+
However the builds are known to work on a variety of other amd64 distributions:
* Ubuntu
** Trusty
** Utopic
** Vivid
* Debian
** Jessie
It may also work on the following:
* Mint
** Qiuana
** Rebecca or Cinnamon
h3. Usage
First install bintray's GPG key:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
Select which build type you want and add the repository accordingly:
echo "deb http://dl.bintray.com/dreamcat4/ubuntu BUILDTYPE main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-add-repository "http://dl.bintray.com/dreamcat4/ubuntu BUILDTYPE main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tvheadend
Note: if you install more than one suite you will only ever get packages from the one holding the most recent version number, so the order of priority would be:
master > unstable > testing > stable
h2. Other
If you require builds that are not currently supported see https://github.com/tvheadend/tvheadend-build#looking-for-tvheadend-builds
h2. Help Me!
*So which repository do I use?*
It's preferred that you use the official repository as this is more likely to received continued support. And even if the build system should break and [[Adam]] isn't available dreamcat and perexg now know how to feed the bintray repo by alternative means.
*Stable, unstable/master, testing or release?*
* If you want the latest and greatest features and don't mind bugs or crashes choose the unstable builds. It's not recommended this be used for production systems.
* If you want to test the latest changes (and don't mind a few minor bugs) that'll shortly be included in the next stable release, use the stable builds.
* If you just want the least amount of hassle (and bugs) choose the release builds.
h2. Notice
*Due to a build system error, this repository isn't being automatically updated. It will be resolved ASAP. Please do not open issues/send e-mails regarding this.*
For those using the unstable builds, packages from "here":https://doozer.io/tvheadend/tvheadend/builds "here":https://doozer.io/mpmc/tvheadend/builds have been +manually+ manually pushed for the following distributions/architectures:-
* Ubuntu, Xenial/Trusty and Debian
** Jessie "jessie" (8) - i386 / amd64
* Ubuntu
** Xenial "xenial" (16.04) - i386 / amd64 / armhf / arm64 - see note 1 + 2.
** Trusty "trusty" (14.04) - i386 / amd64 - see note 1.
# Due to issues with building x264, i386 builds have limited transcoding support.
# armhf and arm64 builds do not have transcoding built in at the moment.
# New targets will be added as soon as possible.
To install these builds please follow the usage instructions below. Jessie.
The official Apt repository has now been moved to https://bintray.com/tvheadend
Unfortunately the migration required a change to the repository structure that makes it's layout incompatible with the existing http://apt.tvheadend.org repository, therefore we have not tried to map the old URLs to the new repository. Instead the old repository will continue to exist for the foreseeable future (including updates), however we'd prefer if people could migrate to the bintray version.
h2. Build type
As before there are 3 standard build types (though I've added a 4th to keep old users happy):
* release - This will contain the latest official / stable release.
* stable - This will contain a nightly build from the latest release branch. It will pick up fixes in prep. for the next release.
* unstable - This will contain a nightly build from the development branch (master). It will contain the bleeding edge, but could be potentially unstable.
* obsolete - This contains a build of the last release from the 3.4 branch, it will receive no further updates.
h2. Supported Distro's / Platforms
* Ubuntu
** Xenial "xenial" (16.04) - i386 / amd64
** Wily Werewolf "wily" (15.10) - i386 / amd64
** Trusty (14.04) "trusty" - i386 / amd64
* Debian and Raspbian
** Jessie "jessie" - i386 / amd64 / ARMv6:armhf (release build only - see note 3 below)
** Wheezy "wheezy" - i386 / amd64 / ARMv6:armhf (release build only - see note 3 below)
# It's the intention to include Sid as well, unfortunately there have been some hiccups getting this working.
# Ubuntu Vivid Vervet & Precise Pangolin are no longer supported (by this repository).
# Raspbian (armhf) builds are done manually, but due to lack of time the release build provided by this repository is lagging behind. An unofficial bintray repository kindly provided by Jonathan Thomson is available "here":https://tvheadend.org/boards/5/topics/21528?r=23476.
h2. Usage
First install bintray's GPG key:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
Select which build type you want and add the repository accordingly:
echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/tvheadend/deb DISTRO BUILDTYPE" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
Replace DISTRO with the distribution's code name (as quoted in the _Supported Distro's / Platforms_ list).
Replace BUILDTYPE with the desired build type.
> Example:
> <pre>
echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/tvheadend/deb xenial stable" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
Refresh the available packages and install:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tvheadend
Note: if you install more than one suite you will only ever get packages from the one holding the most recent version number, so the order of priority would be:
unstable > stable > release > obsolete
h2. Legacy Bintray Apt Repository
If you're still using the old http://bintray.com/dreamcat4 repository do not panic it's +still+ being supported for the foreseeable future.
h3. Build type
This repository also provides 4 possible components. However they are slightly different to those in the official repository and some of the names have different meanings.
* master - This will contain *nightly* builds from the master branch. This is equivalent to "unstable" in the official repo.
* unstable - This will contain *weekly* builds from the master branch. This has no equivalent in the official repo.
* testing - This will contain *nightly* builds from the release/4.x branch. This is equivalent to "stable" in the official repo.
* stable - This will contain the latest stable release. This is equivalent to "release" in the official repo.
h3. Supported Distro's / Platforms
+This repository only officially supports builds for one platform Ubuntu Trusty amd64.+
However the builds are known to work on a variety of other amd64 distributions:
* Ubuntu
** Trusty
** Utopic
** Vivid
* Debian
** Jessie
It may also work on the following:
* Mint
** Qiuana
** Rebecca or Cinnamon
h3. Usage
First install bintray's GPG key:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
Select which build type you want and add the repository accordingly:
echo "deb http://dl.bintray.com/dreamcat4/ubuntu BUILDTYPE main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-add-repository "http://dl.bintray.com/dreamcat4/ubuntu BUILDTYPE main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tvheadend
Note: if you install more than one suite you will only ever get packages from the one holding the most recent version number, so the order of priority would be:
master > unstable > testing > stable
h2. Other
If you require builds that are not currently supported see https://github.com/tvheadend/tvheadend-build#looking-for-tvheadend-builds
h2. Help Me!
*So which repository do I use?*
It's preferred that you use the official repository as this is more likely to received continued support. And even if the build system should break and [[Adam]] isn't available dreamcat and perexg now know how to feed the bintray repo by alternative means.
*Stable, unstable/master, testing or release?*
* If you want the latest and greatest features and don't mind bugs or crashes choose the unstable builds. It's not recommended this be used for production systems.
* If you want to test the latest changes (and don't mind a few minor bugs) that'll shortly be included in the next stable release, use the stable builds.
* If you just want the least amount of hassle (and bugs) choose the release builds.