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Mark Clarkstone, 2015-12-24 13:02
Wily isn't being built at the moment so remove it from the supported list, [** Wily (15.10) - i386 / amd64]

Official Apt Repository

After a significant break from using our official repository, due to Adam Sutton no longer being actively involved, this has finally been restored. With some slight alterations. There will still be 3 suites, however the meanings have changed:

Supported Distro's / Platforms

  • Ubuntu
    • Precise (12.04) - i386 / amd64
    • Trusty (14.04) - i386 / amd64
    • Vivid (15.04) - i386 / amd64
  • Debian
    • Wheezy - i386 / amd64
    • Jessie - i386 / amd64
  • Raspbian
    • Wheezy - armhf
    • Jessie - armhf

Note: it's the intention to include Sid as well, unfortunately there have been some hiccups getting this working.


Before you can use the repository you probably want to import the GPG signing key:

curl | sudo apt-key add -

You will then need to add which ever suite you feel is most appropriate, for example if you want to be cautious and have a reliable system:

sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tvheadend

Note: if you install more than one suite you will only ever get packages from the one holding the most recent version number, so the order of priority would be:

unstable > stable > release

You can easily remove a suite though, so should you suddenly come over all crazy and want to live on the edge:

sudo apt-add-repository -r
sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt-get update

Official Bintray Apt Repository

If you're still using the bintray repository do not panic it's still supported and may be used along side the repository as a backup (or main) if you wish.

Supported Distro's / Platforms

This repository supports builds for Intel x86_64 only.

  • Ubuntu
    • Trusty (14.04) - amd64
    • Utopic (14.10) - amd64
    • Vivid (15.04) - amd64
  • Reported to work
    • Debian
      • Jessie (8.0) - amd64
  • Unconfirmed
    • Qiuana (Linux Mint 17) - amd64
    • Rebecca or Cinnamon (Mint Linux 17.1) - amd64
  • Not supported at all
    • Debian
      • Wheezy (7.x)
      • Squeeze (6.x)


Before you can use the suites you probably want to import the GPG signing key:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61

You will then need to add which ever suite you feel is most appropriate, for example if you want to be cautious and have a reliable system:

echo deb stable main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tvheadend

Note: if you install more than one suite you will only ever get packages from the one holding the most recent version number, so the order of priority would be:

master (nightly) > unstable (weekly) > testing > stable


If you require builds that are not currently supported see

Help Me!

Why two repositories?
There was a change in the naming of Tvheadend packages which caused the automated build scripts (that placed the latest builds on to break and only Adam Sutton knew how to fix it unfortunately he was unavailable, and thus thanks to dreamcat the bintray repository was born!

So which repository do I use?
Whichever you fancy is the simple answer. You can use the suites from both repositories at the same time.

Stable, unstable/master, testing or release?
  • If you want the latest and greatest features and don't mind bugs or crashes choose the unstable (on or master nightly/weekly (on suites.
  • If you want to test the latest changes (and don't mind a few bugs) that'll become the latest release choose stable (on or testing (on suites.
  • If you just want the least amount of hassle (and bugs) choose the release suites.

You keep talking about suites, what are they?
See this.

Updated by Mark Clarkstone about 9 years ago · 27 revisions