Feature #911
Long ECM support
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I've understood that camd.socket support will be stopped soon...
Howerver, newcamd protocol doesn't support long ECM from many kind of cards.
Is it possible to add the support of other oscam protocols such as camd35 ?
Why not to go on with the camd.socket support in order to be directly connected to all oscam protocols via dvbapi(as vdr-plugin-dvbapi which now works nativly with trunk versions of oscam) ?
Thanks for your attention.
Updated by Wojciech Myrda over 12 years ago
there is the testing branch for supporting this feature created by manio
Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago
- Assignee changed from Hein Rigolo to Mariusz Białończyk
I think this might already be done?
Updated by Mariusz Białończyk about 12 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Exactly, done now with capmt support for oscam (plus additional benefits like ECM matching on oscam side). Closing.