


Feature #828

Feature #1394: DVB internal re-structure

Copy to other adapter doesn't copy Satellite config (switchport)

Added by Mark Hunting about 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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I use a twin tuner card (Cine S2). Both 'adapters' are connected to the same triple sat dish/LNB, so in the satellite config for both adapaters I added two additional ports, switchports 1 and 2.
Now I add muxes and channels for the first adapter, and then I copy the muxes to the second adapter. This is a very usefull feature, but the copied muxes are missing the satellite config (it's 'Unset' for all muxes). Also the Satellite config cannot be changed in the web interface without deleting and manually adding all muxes again for the second adapter.

I understand not everybody with multiple adapters use the same 'Satellite config' for all adapters, so maybe the 'Copy' button should raise a question like 'do you also want to copy the Satellite config switchport values?'. Secondly it should be possible to change the 'Satellite config' (and other values) in the Multiplexes overview.

Files (3.55 KB) Mark Hunting, 2012-01-12 11:31



Updated by Mark Hunting about 13 years ago

I created a quick 'n dirty Perl script to copy the config including switchports from one adapter to the second. I run this script every time I add or remove a channel. This saves me a lot of work, maybe it can also be helpful for others. Don't forget to change the config (top of script) before using it.


Updated by Mathy Vanvoorden over 12 years ago

Your script works nicely if you only have 2 adapters but it doesn't work if you have more when copying the transports. I found a fix by just adding the following line

next unless ($file =~ /^$adapter_src(.*)/);

You need to add it in the second part (copying the dvbtransports) after these lines:

next if $file eq '.';
next if $file eq '..';


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature

Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Category set to DVB
  • Target version set to 3.4

This will probably need to be fed into the DVB restructure.


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Parent task set to #1394

Updated by Mark Hunting over 12 years ago

Adam Sutton wrote:

This will probably need to be fed into the DVB restructure.

Sorry this bug can be closed. In newer TV Headend versions (>3.12) you can now choose a Target Satellite config when copying muxes to another adapter. This works perfectly.


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

Indeed, looks like it was added in commit:eecf66f3ca628474eec4151a7136593153a8acd2


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