Feature #765
iptv and epg
I'm using tvheadend to receive german iptv from Alice (Telefonica). vlc is able to show the in the stream embedded epg. I can find the epg data in clear text in the stream. It would be very nice if tvheadend could parse these information too as an alternative for xmltv. If there is an interested developer I could provide a stream sample.
Updated by Phill Lavender about 13 years ago
Post a Wireshark log of the stream if you can over the stream itself. I can't say I'll be able to help much, but I use Imagenio IPTV (Telefonica/Movistar) in Spain which may be similar. I always wondered about how they distributed the EPG myself. Never had the chance to sit down a log things properly though.
Updated by Phill Lavender about 13 years ago
Ok I was curious so I dumped a stream form Imagenio IPTV. Turns out they only send PAT and PMTs for Video and Audio no EITs so no EPG for me. Shame. Anayway take a dump of your iptv stream 30sec should be enough (i.e. mplayer rtp://ip:port -dumpstream -dumpfile stream.ts) and post it if you have dvbsnoop run the following at post that too (dvbsnoop -s ts -if stream.ts > stream.txt) Thx. Phill.
Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago
- Category changed from IPTV to EPG
- Assignee changed from Hein Rigolo to Adam Sutton
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
I'll keep this open for now, but if there is no feedback on level of interest I might remove it.
Updated by Andrei B over 12 years ago
I'm also interested in this feature. It would be sad if you have to remove it.
Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need feedback
The reason I suggested closing it was merely that no feedback had been provided since it was originally opened. And without input there is little point it being investigated.
However, there has been some discussion about some general changes to TVH that might make doing this easier.
And since you've expressed an interested it will remain open for now. But I can't promise anything on time scales.
Updated by Henryk Plötz about 12 years ago
- File wdr-iptv.pcap wdr-iptv.pcap added
I'd be interested in this too. For comparison: I have IPTV from T-Home Entertain, which is the other big IPTV player in Germany. (ard-digital.de only lists multicast addresses for Alice, T-Home, and Vodafone, so there probably aren't any other big ones.)
I have zero knowledge of MPEG streams, so I can't make any sense of it, but if you want to look at it, I've made a tcpdump dump of 30s of the IPTV stream. For reference, I think the programme running at the time of the recording was "SACHSENSPIEGEL kompakt".
Updated by Amade Kovacs over 11 years ago
If I'm right this feature is already developed (guessing from the status) and need feedback. Am I right?
If yes I try to create some time for myself to try an make missing feedback.
Updated by Adam Sutton over 11 years ago
No, "Need Feedback" means I was waiting for input (its a generic status to mean we're waiting before doing more etc...).
But.. I can say this will definitely be in the next release of TVH, whenever that is, the DVB core code is being completely rewritten and at the heart will be a shared MPEGTS processor that will be used the same for linux DVB and IPTV alike.
But you'll have to be patient some more, this is not a trivial change
Updated by Adam Sutton about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Need feedback to Fixed
This now exists in master.