Feature #712
Multi-byte character safe cousin for DVR_CLEAN_TITLE flag
When dvr_flags DVR_CLEAN_TITLE is set via the DVR option"Remove all unsafe characters from filename" option multi-byte charters (Cyrillic in my case) are also removed from recording file names. In my case, this results in the file names being created that exclusively contain underscores. While this is, indeed, safe. It does make finding specific files very hard.
Would it be possible to all a less aggressive version of this option?
Removing the illegal characters with a cron script break the link with the recording in the "Record schedule".
Updated by Lee Sykes over 13 years ago
Just to make it clear it's quotation marks that are the 'illegal' characters that are causing me problem (samba/windows related). I'm fine with Cyrillic.
I've tried hacking dvr_make_title() dvr_rec.c to allow for characters greater than 127 (which works) but I don't seem to be able to use it to remove the quotation marks (rather oddly, must be my mistake). However if I also add quotes to cleanupfilename() function in dvr.db I can strip them out here. All now works for me but this isn't suitable for a general solution. I'm not sure how these two functions relate.
Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
If this feature is still required, please can you re-submit as I'm trying to flush out some dead wood.