Bug #5748
Usability Bug DVB-S2 Tuner Configuration Master Tuner
|---- SAT Tuner 1 (DVB-S2)
Single-LNB --- Cable --<
|---- SAT Tuner 2 (DVB-S2)
I added a second TV Tuner to the TVH and did not set the network in the tuner menu (of SAT Tuner 2). Instead, I immediately configured the master tuner (SAT Tuner 1).
I was not able to use the second tuner. TVH always stated that there was no free tuner device left.
I removed the tuners in the input directory and reinstalled both tuners. For the second tuner i immediately added the network and than it worked flawlessly.
The problem was that without removing the files in the input directory I was not able to add the Network at a later stage. Nevertheless, I think that if someone is setting a master tuner that it should be logical that it is the same network as the master tuner. For that reason, if the network is missing at a slave tuner than TVH should automatically set the network of the master tuner.
Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 5 years ago
What's your cabling/diseqc setup? Also note that the master/slave works only when lo/hi/v/h combination (voltage/polarization) DO MATCH! Otherwise you need another cable. I think that tvh behaves correctly, but your expectations are just wrong.
Updated by Seriously No over 5 years ago
Jaroslav Kysela wrote:
What's your cabling/diseqc setup? Also note that the master/slave works only when lo/hi/v/h combination (voltage/polarization) DO MATCH! Otherwise you need another cable. I think that tvh behaves correctly, but your expectations are just wrong.
Hello Jaroslav,
I know that the combination must match. But I am talking about the setup process and not the functionality. Maybe I did not explain the Usability Bug good enough.
1. Add a second USB Tuner (Slave Device) --> TVHeadend is recognizing it
2. In "Configuration" - "DVB Inputs" - "TV Adapters" change the Master Tuner to the Master Tuner (without setting a DVB-S Network in the Basic Settings for the new Tuner (Slave Device)
3. Trying to use two channels that match the lo/hi/v/h combination (voltage/polarization) criteria.
4. TVHeadend is not using the second Tuner because I forgot to set the DVB-S Network in the Basic Settings
5. Trying to set the DVB-S Network fails because there is no configuration field anymore because of the Master tuner setting
6. Delete the Tuner files in the input directory
7. Repeat the steps but now instead of just set the master tuner first set the DVB-S network in the Basic Settings
8. Everything is working
In my opinion, if someone is setting a Master Tuner than TV Headend should automatically check if a DVB-S Network was set or not. If not than TVHeadend should set the same DVB-S Network as the Master Tuner.
Updated by Luis Alves over 5 years ago
In github/master that is not the behaviour.
If I select the master tuner for a second adapter, I can still see & set the network for this second tuner.
Maybe this is a 4.2 bug (already fixed).
Updated by Luis Alves over 5 years ago
It might not be releated to what I posted above as I've replicated it just now on latest github.
To replicate:
1) Got to DVB-S adatger 1 and set "Master tuner" pointing to DVB-S adapter #0
2) Change back the "Master tuner" to "This tuner" on adapter #1
3) Now adapter #1 is unusable (lost its own satconf)
If you restart tvh, the adapter has no satconf (and you can't set it).
As the original post says, the only solution is to remove the adapter config on the filesystem.
I believe that the bug is caused by a "leftover" on the adapter config.
In the json config file the suspicious entry is: "Master for #1" : ""
Updated by u 328 almost 5 years ago
This is really a pita! cost me 3 evenings to get it back running.
Stumbled upon this bug whilst fumbling around with my DigitalDevices CineS2 v5.5 Dual DVB-S2 Card. (HTS Tvheadend 4.3-1857~g221c29b40 running inside a Docker Image under OMV 5.3.5-1)
By accident i clicked something inside the advanced view: Master tuner setting.
As result i lost the Dropdown-menu to to bind the Network to the TV Adapter.
This, as the previous Poster already stated, cannot be set back via the Webinterface!
You rally have to log into your Terminal and delete the two Adapters below (in my case): /config/input/linuxdvb/adapters/
So the solution for dummies like me is:
rm /config/input/linuxdvb/adapters/blabla1
rm /config/input/linuxdvb/adapters/blabla2
After that the 3 Sublevels came back to the GUI as it should be:
TV Adapters (Folder-Icon)
/dev/dvb/adapter0 [STV090x Multistandard #0] (Folder-Icon)
STV090x Multistandard #0 : DVB-S #0 (Folder-Icon -> Enable/Disable Checkbox)
Universal LNB only (Card-Icon -> Ability to set the Networkbinding here)
Before deleting and rebooting i only had 2 sublevels visible left in the Gui
TV Adapters (Folder-Icon)
/dev/dvb/adapter0 [STV090x Multistandard #0] (Folder-Icon)
STV090x Multistandard #0 : DVB-S #0 (Card-Icon -> Enable/Disable Checkbox)
....and missing/invisible -> "Universal LNB only"
...hope it helps somebody to shorten the downtime of her/his tvheadendserver