


Feature #5584

create metadata from epg

Added by deganza 11 almost 6 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

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Is there a way to save with the recordings also the metadata (.nfo) from the epg of the broadcast in the same folder as the recordings?



Updated by Em Smith almost 6 years ago

If you mean nfo files that would be compatible with Kodi, then it is quite difficult. The reason is that it requires a specific directory layout and episodes actually require several nfo files such as for the whole series and IDs such as from IMDB, and this information is generally not available from the EPG.

The best workaround for most programmes is to use a recording format specifier such as $q in 4.3+ which will place recordings in separate directories and then use a third party scraper such as Kodi. Though this has problems for generic programmes such as news. If you search the forums there's a discussion of this.


Updated by deganza 11 almost 6 years ago

Em Smith wrote:

If you mean nfo files that would be compatible with Kodi, then it is quite difficult. The reason is that it requires a specific directory layout and episodes actually require several nfo files such as for the whole series and IDs such as from IMDB, and this information is generally not available from the EPG.

The best workaround for most programmes is to use a recording format specifier such as $q in 4.3+ which will place recordings in separate directories and then use a third party scraper such as Kodi. Though this has problems for generic programmes such as news. If you search the forums there's a discussion of this.

Kodi is not a problem. I'm using TVH 4.3 and the metadata with the pictures of the recorded broadcasts in TVH are visible in Kodi.
But if use the directory with the recordings in Emby for example, then there is no recording information.

I found this interessting topic in the forum. But I didn't test it yet:

Actually all the metadata of the recordings is stored in the following directory:


If it would automatically generate an .nfo file with recorded broadcast then it would be great.


Updated by deganza 11 almost 6 years ago

Meanwhile I found this interesting solution on this ticket:

with the following script it's possible to write the .nfo-files with the epg-data.
But would it be also possible to get the link of the epg-preview picture?
On the following page I didn't find such a parameter:

here is the script to write the .nfo-file:


DATUM=`date -d @$4 "+%d.%m.%Y H:%M"`
cat > ${1
.mkv}.nfo <<-EOF

<plot>$DATUM - $5


Updated by deganza 11 over 5 years ago

Do you know how it's possible to save the pictures of the epg-guide as link in the nfo-file?

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