


Bug #5211

DVR: major issue: recordings often fail with no file written [stable git]

Added by da h4xX0rz1sT over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Target version:
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Found in version:
Affected Versions:


  • transport errors at the beginning of the recording can cause this
  • descramble or "Unexpected ECM reply" errors can cause this on encrypted channels
  • on start of recording, log does not show the typical "lang resolution aspect ratio sample rate channels" lines (seems it does not detect the streams)
  • during recording, a file size "---" is shown constantly
  • during recording, status shows a bandwidth of "0" constantly
  • at the end of recording, log shows "time missed" (which is not really correct, it tried to record)
  • after recording, recording shows up in "deleted recordings" with status "file missing"
  • this never happens if the affected channel is already streamed before recording starts
  • most probably retries are missing when recording

Steps to reproduce:
Record from, at least one of ten recordings fails with that issue, probably more

CWs are working, 100% success in oscam

Please add more robustness for recordings. No output file written, stream bandwidth 0, no streams detected are all signs of a failed start of recording, TVh should retry then - which I think it does not or not properly.



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

The 4.2 release is just simple bugfix only. Try latest development or capmt (dvbapi) network client (to oscam). Ideally, use another oscam instance as proxy.


Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT over 6 years ago

The reason I'm not using master is newcamd crashes right on startup when using master.

Neither capmt (dvbapi) nor cccam ever worked for me, so I stick with 4.2 stable and newcamd.

Will try again soon with master git and report if it has the same issues, if I can get it working with newcamd.



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 6 years ago

da h4xX0rz1sT wrote:

The reason I'm not using master is newcamd crashes right on startup when using master.

Neither capmt (dvbapi) nor cccam ever worked for me, so I stick with 4.2 stable and newcamd.

Then something is wrong. Create new bugs for the master (one for newcamd, one for cccam, one for capmt).

Provide those traces '--trace descrambler,cwc,cccam,capmt'.

Will try again soon with master git and report if it has the same issues, if I can get it working with newcamd.



Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT over 6 years ago

OK, that is going to be a much bigger effort. Now that master uses ffmpeg 4.0.x, I can't even compile master anymore, because that bloody old Debian Jessie has too old libvpx and other media libs.

Yes, it's really time to upgrade and get rid of that old stuff.

As far as dvbapi is concerned, I think it's a kernel problem I could probably also get rid of with an upgrade.

Will report results.



Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT over 6 years ago users:

Can anyone confirm this issue is present or absent on master?



Updated by da h4xX0rz1sT over 6 years ago

Thanks to your fix for #4888 Jaroslav, I'm on master now, with a recent kernel and Debian Stretch. Issue persists with master, I have re-opened this as #5256.


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