


Feature #4594

In EPG guide please add column to show New / premiere / unknown status

Added by K Shea over 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

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Starting in Tvheadend 4.2, when setting up an Autorec entry there is a field called Broadcast type: and you can select "New / premiere / unknown", which (in North America at least) in some cases works well to record only shows that aren't reruns. But, there is no way in Tvheaded's EPG to see which shows are flagged as "New / premiere / unknown", which would be helpful in deciding whether that setting can be used to detect new episodes for a particular program. When Tvheadend finds such a tag while importing EPG data, it must be saving it into the database in case this setting is used, so why not display that tag in a new column in the EPG guide, so we can know in advance which channels/programs have "good" data as to whether a show or episode is new?



Updated by Em Smith about 7 years ago

A new column has been added to show a [new] icon in the EPG grid. This is also visible in the EPG info dialog. A few other fields are now also displayed if available such as previous airdate.

The OTA eit scraper has been updated to add an "is_new" scraper which can set the "new" flag if it matches the common text fields such as programme title. The uk scraper contains an example configuration.

For xmltv, if "scrape credits and extra data" is enabled on the xmltv panel (configuration->channel/epg->epg grabber modules) then icons will also be displayed for some of the most common categories of programmes, such as sports, movie, etc. Otherwise, an icon is displayed for common genre categories that have been mapped from xmltv data or retrieved from the OTA guide.


Updated by Em Smith about 7 years ago

I noticed in a screengrab that fonts supplied with some OSes do not display the colour icons by default and use a black and white icon instead. In Ubuntu, to display colour icons it may be necessary to:

sudo apt install fonts-emojione


Updated by Pablo R. about 7 years ago

Em Smith wrote:

I noticed in a screengrab that fonts supplied with some OSes do not display the colour icons by default and use a black and white icon instead. In Ubuntu, to display colour icons it may be necessary to:

That is related with the client who load the page. Not with the server, right?


Updated by Em Smith about 7 years ago

Yes, on the client. Sorry about not being clear.

Whether you need the package depends on how your machine is setup and which browser you use since many machines display the character icons fine in full colour, but some display just in black and white; others display some in colour and some others in black and white. It mainly depends on the default font, which browser you use, and how it handles certain character ranges.

I've been informed tonight that the emojione font package may alter your default font until it is uninstalled, so you may want to delay installing it.

We're discussing replacing the character images with icons to make the display consistent.

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