Bug #327
Audio stuttering
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Found in version:
Affected Versions:
in the SVN version 5615:
in combination with XBMC dharma beta4 or camelot 9.11 using htsp,
After a while watching TV the audio starts to stutter. If one stops the channel and opens it again, the audio is fine. But after a while the stuttering starts again.
If one records the channel via PVR in tvheadend, and watches this => there is absolutely no audio stuttering.
It seems as if when being streamed to XBMC, that the stuttering occurs.
Version 2.11 works fine with no stuttering at all.
Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Invalid
- Found in version set to unknown
This is very old and stuff has moved on a lot, closing.