Bug #3047
Configuring an internal grabber the first time sends the grabber into an infinite download loop
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I've had this happen twice when wiping my configuration and configuring from scratch, so I don't think it's a fluke.
Version 4.0.5-17 on Debian Jessie/stable.
Steps to reproduce:
1.) Configure Network (ATSC), TV Adapters, and Services, including Map All.
2.) Configure the EPG grabber, disable all OTA EPG grabbers, and use internal: XMLTV: North America (Data Direct) from xmltv-utils (updated for the newer Schedules Direct wsdl).
3.) Saving the EPG Grabber settings works correctly and kicks off a download, but then that download continues over and over again until tvheadend is killed.
After killing and restarting tvheadend, things work normally.