Bug #2837
Cannot filter DVR Autorec Duplicates
I am trying to get rid of duplicate recordings created by "DVR AutoRec Entries" and have checked the option "Record if different subtitle".
This filter does not seem to work.
In the "Upcoming Recording", episodes with the same subtitle are planned to be recorded and duplicates are created.
rdg. Martin
Updated by Mario D over 9 years ago
I've tried to the same but using episode numbers: I was getting crazy until I looked at the code. There is a comment stating that such conditions are applied only on the start of the timer. In other words, the duplicate events are deleted only when they are going to start. This is what I understood: maybe I'm wrong.
This is HIGHLY counterintuitive and it tends to fill-up the DVR upcoming list with useless entries. Even with a proper helping text, this will face a lot of reports in the future...