


Feature #2491

OpenTV grabber NZ Satellite

Added by Spencer Roff over 10 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

EPG - Grabbers
Target version:
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I modified the existing tv_grab_it_dvb grabber to work for New Zealands satellite provider. I am able to generate a complete xmltv listing file from the opentv data available on the DVB-S. only issue is their is some unnessessary chars as the beginning of the titles which is related to this.

 <title lang="en">[[00]]??Golf Central Replay</title>

I could work around this and modify the grabber to truncate the first 8 characters.

However after looking at the source code for tvheadend i think it would be better to include it as an OpenTV grabber for NZ in tvheadend.

Open TV data is available on Frequency 12519H This will solve the EIT data ONLY carrying now and next data for the HD channels which is a major pain point.

Something like this..


  "name": "Sky NZ",
  "dict": "skynz",
  "genre": "skynz",
  "nid": 169,
  "tsid": 3,
  "sid": 9003,
  "channel" : [
  "title": [
    48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
  "summary": [
    64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
  "season_num": [
    " *\\(S ?([0-9]+),? Ep? ?[0-9]+\\)" 
  "episode_num": [
    " *\\(S ?[0-9]+,? Ep? ?([0-9]+)\\)" 

tvheadend/data/conf/epggrab/opentv/dict/skynz <- file attached taken from EPG Collector source.
tvheadend/data/conf/epggrab/opentv/genre/skynz < - file attached taken from EPG Collector source

The dict file will need modifying (which i can do and upload later)

The genre file will also need modifying but i cannot see the way to translate it to the format that tvheadend expects.

If i can assist in any way let me know ill be happy to help / test the patch.


sknz.dict (13.7 KB) sknz.dict dictionary file for skynz Spencer Roff, 2014-11-19 03:45
skynz.genre (3.39 KB) skynz.genre genre file for skynz Spencer Roff, 2014-11-19 03:45
tv_grab_nz_dvb.rar (19.1 KB) tv_grab_nz_dvb.rar testing the modified grabber for skynz Spencer Roff, 2014-11-19 03:50
whatson.xml (5.11 MB) whatson.xml sample xmltv file generated via tv_grab_nz_dvb Spencer Roff, 2014-11-19 03:57



Updated by Mark Clarkstone almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed

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