


Bug #2388

wrong epg info in web interface

Added by Mario D over 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

EPG - Grabbers
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On the EPG tab of the web interface, if I click on the info icon of an event a window is opened. As you can see in the attached screenshot, the long description is reported twice. This bug is present also for events without a subtitle.

As a side note, I would report the subtitle on a different row with respect of the main title: too long. IMHO


tvh-bug-epg-web.png (238 KB) tvh-bug-epg-web.png Mario D, 2014-10-16 19:46



Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 10 years ago

The EPG source is from opentv ? Note that the contents should be;

  • summary
  • description

It looks like the summary is equal to description in your case.. Which is not perfect..


Updated by Mario D over 10 years ago

I have difficulties in reproducing this bug. It happened today but not now. Just to say that it is not systematic.

Yes, it comes from the opentv module.

Looking to an instance with regular information: the missing part is usually the second (that is, the description is empty). The description looks present just in some PPV channels here (not in Fox channel).

These data comes from the my epg dump:

{ 'epnum': { 'e_num': 7, 's_num': 3},
  'genre': [48],
  'grabber': 'opentv-skyit',
  'id': 67559685,
  'subtitle': { 'ita': "L'amplificazione del chitarrista"},
  'title': { 'ita': 'The Big Bang Theory'},
  'type': 3,
  'updated': 1413097875,
  'uri': 'tvh://channel-091b2aaa555b4b0f031785aa014346ad/bcast-67559684/episode'}
{ 'channel': '091b2aaa555b4b0f031785aa014346ad',
  'dvb_eid': 1364,
  'episode': 'tvh://channel-091b2aaa555b4b0f031785aa014346ad/bcast-67559684/episode',
  'grabber': 'opentv-skyit',
  'id': 67559684,
  'serieslink': 'opentv://channel-091b2aaa555b4b0f031785aa014346ad/series-12641',
  'start': 1413657000,
  'stop': 1413658800,
  'summary': { 'ita': "3' Stagione Ep.7 - 'L'amplificazione del chitarrista' Leonard e Penny hanno la loro prima discussione seria. Sara' Sheldon a fare da mediatore e pacificatore tra i due, anche perche' il loro litigio per lui e' un fastidio.. Prossimo Ep. Dom 19 OTT 15:40. Replica Ep. Dom 19 OTT 13:30"},
  'type': 4,
  'updated': 1413097875}


Updated by Mario D over 10 years ago

It looks a problem with opentv epg module: as stated above, the 'description' field is usually empty but it appears that in some cases the 'description' is equal to 'summary'. It could be a problem in the broadcast data, but I'm not sure. In some PPV channels they are both present with different content.
I would suggest to skip the description if it looks equal to summary. I can provide a PR.


Updated by Mario D over 10 years ago

Forgot the dump of the failing record:

{ 'channel': '091b2aaa555b4b0f031785aa014346ad',
  'description': { 'ita': "1' Stagione Ep.11 - 'Cacciatore di tesori' Un cacciatore di tesori viene ucciso. Jim scopre che l'uomo era sulle tracce della leggendaria Magdalena, 
nave spagnola contenente miliardi di dollari in oro. Prossimo Ep. Gio 23 OTT 01:40. Replica Ep. Dom 26 OTT 03:05"},
  'dvb_eid': 7,
  'episode': 'tvh://channel-091b2aaa555b4b0f031785aa014346ad/bcast-67785545/episode',
  'grabber': 'opentv-skyit',
  'id': 67785545,
  'serieslink': 'opentv://channel-091b2aaa555b4b0f031785aa014346ad/series-51222',
  'start': 1413966000,
  'stop': 1413969300,
  'summary': { 'ita': "1' Stagione Ep.11 - 'Cacciatore di tesori' Un cacciatore di tesori viene ucciso. Jim scopre che l'uomo era sulle tracce della leggendaria Magdalena, nave spagnola contenente miliardi di dollari in oro. Prossimo Ep. Gio 23 OTT 01:40. Replica Ep. Dom 26 OTT 03:05"},
  'type': 4,
  'updated': 1413965255}


Updated by Jaroslav Kysela over 10 years ago

Mario Di Raimondo wrote:

It looks a problem with opentv epg module: as stated above, the 'description' field is usually empty but it appears that in some cases the 'description' is equal to 'summary'. It could be a problem in the broadcast data, but I'm not sure. In some PPV channels they are both present with different content.
I would suggest to skip the description if it looks equal to summary. I can provide a PR.

It looks like a reasonable solution.


Updated by Mario D over 10 years ago

As reported on IRC, the problem looks different. In Italy, on the same channel we have opentv but also eit data. The opentv data are about events of several days and eit are about the two most recent events. The opentv module usually populates the summary field. The eit one looks to fill the description one (with the same data previously reported by opentv).

A possible fix: in eit module we could check if the new summary is equal to the already present description. Something similar should be done in opentv (eit data could arrive first). I know... a weird hack.


Updated by Adam Sutton about 10 years ago

  • Category set to EPG - Grabbers
  • Priority changed from Normal to Low

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