


Bug #210

XMLTV grabber works but 0 events gets injected into epg database

Added by Alan - almost 15 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

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I have set up xmltv succesfully. XMLTV grabbing works ok. I get the following output:

Apr 25 12:47:28 xmltv: Channel "Comedy Central" automapped to xmltv-channel "Comedy Central" (name matches)

Apr 25 12:47:28 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_huro: Parsing completed. XML contained 88 channels, 0 events, 0 new events injected in EP

It seems that tvheadend does not use the data grabbed from xmltv.
Is it maybe because the channels mostly also have their own satelite epg ? I would like to use xmltv's epg instead of the broadcasted one because it has better and more precise descriptions there.

Thanks for the great work!



Updated by Hein Rigolo almost 15 years ago

how often do you run the grabber?
how often does your grabber get new epg details?
Did the grabber already run earlier?
How many events where updated then?


Updated by Alan - almost 15 years ago

Thanks for the attention Rigolo !

I only ran the grabber once yet. It is set to run in every 12 hours.
A lot of channels got mapped but no new events get injected into the database. The epg database stays unchanged (the previously - from dvb source - grabbed epg data)

Maybe the problem is that tvheadend does not overwrite an already existing epg data with xmltv grabbed one.


Updated by Hein Rigolo almost 15 years ago

Did you provide a channel to XMLTV ID mapping on the channels configuration screen?


Updated by Alan - almost 15 years ago

Yes there are several channels that has an XMLTV source.


Updated by Andreas Smas over 14 years ago

I tried the grabber myself but it seems broken.

andoma@norion:~$ tv_grab_huro
using config filename /home/andoma/.xmltv/tv_grab_huro.conf
getting list of channels: could not fetch, error: 500 Can't connect to (connect: Connection refused), aborting

How did you configure it?


Updated by Andreas Smas over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Accepted

Updated by stif - over 14 years ago

I do have the same Issue:
I am using TVheadend 2.11 on a Ubuntu 10.04 Server 64 bit and a PVR-350 as Analog Video Input.
XMLTV is configured fine, and produces a file like expected with "tv_grab_ch_search --output FILE"
In the Web-surface some Channels (i do not have a XMLTV source for all Channels) also have a mapped XMLTV Channel.
But it do not Display any EPG Data in The Homescreen:

Aug 18 15:09:59 xmltv: Grabbing "Switzerland (" using command "/usr/bin/tv_grab_ch_search"
Aug 18 15:27:38 xmltv: /usr/bin/tv_grab_ch_search: Parsing completed. XML contained 28 channels, 15896 events, 0 new events injected in EPG

Any Ideas? What info can i provide?


PS: Everything but the EPG is functioning impressively well. Thanks for the great work!


Updated by stif - over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Fixed
  • Found in version set to duplicate

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