Bug #2052
serieslink via guide data from xmltv schedules every show
Picking any show and picking Record Series causes every single show in the guide to be scheduled to record (plus everything currently on tries to record now simultaneously)
Updated by Ben Fennema almost 11 years ago
suri is showing up as something like: "ddprogid:/" for every single show, due to swapping between buf and s in parse_xmltv_dd_progid.
Fix should be something like:
diff --git a/src/epggrab/module/xmltv.c b/src/epggrab/module/xmltv.c index 944adb3..085c0b9 100755 --- a/src/epggrab/module/xmltv.c +++ b/src/epggrab/module/xmltv.c @@ -215,12 +215,12 @@ static void parse_xmltv_dd_progid /* Episode */ if (!strncmp("EP", s, 2)) { - int e = strlen(buf); - while (e && s[e] != '.') e--; + int e = strlen(buf)-1; + while (e && buf[e] != '.') e--; if (e) { buf[e] = '\0'; *suri = strdup(buf); - if (s[e+1]) sscanf(s+e+1, "%hu", &(epnum->e_num)); + if (buf[e+1]) sscanf(&buf[e+1], "%hu", &(epnum->e_num)); } } }
Updated by Jeff Williams almost 11 years ago
Ben Fennema wrote:
suri is showing up as something like: "ddprogid:/" for every single show, due to swapping between buf and s in parse_xmltv_dd_progid.
Fix should be something like:
Been having the same problem...ask to record a series and end up with almost every program in the guide scheduled to record. Also just found my way to the same observation regarding the series URI in the database. Gave your proposed fix a try and it worked like charm! Thank you!
I an old software developer, but I have to admit to know knowing my way around github, so I'm no too sure how to go about getting this into code base.
Updated by Ben Fennema almost 11 years ago
Jeff Williams wrote:
Ben Fennema wrote:
suri is showing up as something like: "ddprogid:/" for every single show, due to swapping between buf and s in parse_xmltv_dd_progid.
Fix should be something like:
[...]Been having the same problem...ask to record a series and end up with almost every program in the guide scheduled to record. Also just found my way to the same observation regarding the series URI in the database. Gave your proposed fix a try and it worked like charm! Thank you!
I an old software developer, but I have to admit to know knowing my way around github, so I'm no too sure how to go about getting this into code base.
I sent a pull request on github. We'll see how it goes
Updated by Ken Nalbone almost 11 years ago
Ben Fennema wrote:
I sent a pull request on github. We'll see how it goes
So how IS this going? I am running version 3.9.570~g5fbe7a7~trusty. I'm not a developer and I am not proficient enough to try to build a fixed version on my own. After spending significant time getting TVHeadend to work with my HDHomeRun and get ATSC EPG data to properly parse/populate finding this bug is somewhat frustrating.