


Bug #205

Decoding of TV Vlaanderen and Canal Digitaal only works partially

Added by M66B - almost 15 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Found in version:
Affected Versions:


This problem has been reported here before.
The original reporter didn't sent the requested log-files as far as I know.
More people reported this same problem over here (Dutch).

Attached to this ticket is one minute of logging of both oscam and Tvheadend.
If this is not enough to pinpoint the problem, please let me know.

The same oscam instance is being used by sasc-ng without problems.

TV Vlaanderen (Belgium) and Canaal Digitaal (Netherlands) are the same provider. Encryption is seca.


tvheadend.txt (8.08 KB) tvheadend.txt Logging oscam / Tvheadend M66B -, 2010-04-22 08:55
oscam.conf (146 Bytes) oscam.conf M66B -, 2010-04-24 10:49
oscam.user (91 Bytes) oscam.user M66B -, 2010-04-24 10:49
oscam.server (103 Bytes) oscam.server Used oscam configuration files M66B -, 2010-04-24 10:49



Updated by M66B - almost 15 years ago

Used 2.11 i386 (from repository)


Updated by M66B - almost 15 years ago

Checked if SVN-r4498 (latest trunk version) has the same problem and unfortunately it does.


Updated by M66B - over 14 years ago

Is there any news about this bug?


Updated by Andreas Smas over 14 years ago

At least the "unexpected ECM reply" problem has been fixed in r4974

Please check again


Updated by M66B - over 14 years ago

The "unexpected ECM reply" is indeed gone and things have improved, but it is still not working okay. The signal is being decoded, giving a new still image about every second. I believe this is caused by incorrect ECM messages.

oscam log

2010/10/20 12:30:30   3221 c01 oscam (0000&000100/0FAB/64:DFE6): rejected caid (0 ms)
2010/10/20 12:30:30   3221 c01 oscam (0000&000100/0FAB/64:4917): rejected caid (0 ms)
2010/10/20 12:30:30   3221 c01 oscam (0000&000100/0FAB/64:49F1): rejected caid (0 ms)
2010/10/20 12:30:30   3221 c01 oscam (0000&000100/0FAB/64:9F4D): rejected caid (0 ms)
2010/10/20 12:30:30   3221 c01 oscam (0100&00006A/0FAB/64:9392): found (375 ms) by smargo
2010/10/20 12:30:37   3221 c01 oscam (0000&000100/0FAB/64:4041): rejected caid (0 ms)
2010/10/20 12:30:37   3221 c01 oscam (0000&000100/0FAB/64:2658): rejected caid (0 ms)
2010/10/20 12:30:37   3221 c01 oscam (0000&000100/0FAB/64:7280): rejected caid (0 ms)
2010/10/20 12:30:37   3221 c01 oscam (0000&000100/0FAB/64:3B90): rejected caid (0 ms)
2010/10/20 12:30:37   3221 c01 oscam (0100&00006A/0FAB/64:FBDC): found (383 ms) by smargo

0100&00006A is the correct message, I believe the others are wrong (for example 0000&000100) and are being rejected by oscam correctly.

tvheadend log

[DEBUG]:cwc: Sending ECM section=0/0, for service NED1 (seqno: 2) PID 1603
[DEBUG]:cwc: Sending ECM section=0/0, for service NED1 (seqno: 3) PID 1803
[DEBUG]:cwc: Sending ECM section=0/0, for service NED1 (seqno: 4) PID 1823
[DEBUG]:cwc: Sending ECM section=0/0, for service NED1 (seqno: 5) PID 1843
[DEBUG]:cwc: Sending ECM section=0/0, for service NED1 (seqno: 6) PID 1903
[DEBUG]:cwc: Received NOK for service "NED1" (seqno: 3 Req delay: 41 ms)
[DEBUG]:cwc: Received NOK for service "NED1" (seqno: 4 Req delay: 45 ms)
[DEBUG]:cwc: Received NOK for service "NED1" (seqno: 5 Req delay: 49 ms)
[DEBUG]:cwc: Received NOK for service "NED1" (seqno: 6 Req delay: 53 ms)
[DEBUG]:cwc: Received ECM reply for service "NED1" even: ??.??.??.??.??.??.??.?? odd: ??.??.??.??.??.??.??.?? (seqno: 2 Req delay: 382 ms)
[INFO]:cwc: Obtained key for for service "NED1" in 382 ms, from

Question marks by me.

If more info is needed, please let me know.


Updated by Andreas Smas about 14 years ago

  • Category changed from General to Descrambling
  • Priority changed from High to Normal

Updated by M66B - about 14 years ago

Is there any news about this issue?


Updated by Andreas Smas about 14 years ago

Not really, I don't really know what's wrong here. Descrambling is a bit tricky and it's not like there are a lot of documentation on the subject either :(


Updated by M66B - about 14 years ago

Is there anything I can do to help?


Updated by M66B - over 13 years ago

With oscam 1.10 and Tvheadend 2.12 it works, so this ticket can be closed.


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Found in version set to unknown

I'm going to close this on the grounds its old and "may" already be fixed. However if its not please shout and I will re-open.


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