Bug #1992
Post-processor command: not called with arguments?
Script "/home/hts/bin/remove_recodings.sh" is executed but the variables are not shown (see script below and result)
Debian testing
MKVVIDEO=$1 #Full path to recording /home/user/Videos/News.mkv
b=$2 #Basename of recording News.mkv
c=$3 #Channel name BBC world
C=$4 #Who created this recording user
t=$5 #Program title News
d=$6 #Program description News and stories...
S=$7 #Start time stamp of recording, UNIX epoch 1224421200
E=$8 #Stop time stamp of recording, UNIX epoch 1224426600
b=$(echo "$b" | sed "s/....$//") # Remove file ext (4 char)
MKVPATH=$(echo "$MKVVIDEO" | sed "s/....$//") # Remove file ext (4 char)
echo "##### Recording #####" >> ~/remove_recodings.log
echo $MKVVIDEO >> ~/remove_recodings.log
echo $b >> ~/remove_recodings.log
echo $c >> ~/remove_recodings.log
echo $C >> ~/remove_recodings.log
echo $t >> ~/remove_recodings.log
echo $d >> ~/remove_recodings.log
echo $S >> ~/remove_recodings.log
echo $E >> ~/remove_recodings.log
echo $b >> ~/remove_recodings.log
echo $MKVPATH >> ~/remove_recodings.log
- Recording #####
- Recording #####
- Recording #####
Updated by Meindert Oldenburger almost 11 years ago
The RESULT section above should be with 10 blank lines between "Recording #####" lines
and "Recording #####" should be "##### Recording #####"
Updated by Vojtech Plavecky almost 11 years ago
aaaahh .. that explains why my post-processor script is not working
Updated by Adam Sutton almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
The script config is not provided, but looks like this is mis-configuration to me. Did you actually specify any variables?