


Bug #194

Too many open files error with FireDTV DVB-S2 tuner

Added by Alan - over 14 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Target version:
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(Total: 0.00 h)
Found in version:
Affected Versions:


Hello Andreas !

First of all let me tell that the work you've done on this project is really just excellent. Clean lightweight easy to use application. I will make constant donations to help you improve and fine tune things on TVHeadend.

I have one problem with a certain tuner card. This is Digital Everywhere's FireDTV DVB-S2 firewire tuner. It seems to work fine, channel scanning goes well, but whenenver i tune to a channel i get some error messages that there are "too many open files".

This is a really great card with excellent signal strength and great support (The driver is in mainline linux kernel from version 2.6.31)

Not too much DVB-S2 cards has so fine tuned and mature drivers.
Could you please check what can i do to fix these error messages ?

Thank you for the great work once again,

Cheers, Alan


Bug #878: Limit amount of PID Filters usedInvalid




Updated by Andreas Smas over 14 years ago

When this happens, please run this command: (Note the backticks)

lsof -p pidof tvheadend

and post the output here


Updated by Alan - over 14 years ago

Here is the output:

Thanks for checking


Updated by Alan - over 14 years ago

Hello again !

Could you please check the output i posted in the previous post ?

I tried the card out in Kaffeine and it is working great. It might be just a little problem in tvheadend code that holds back the card from propper working.

Thanks again !


Updated by Alan - over 14 years ago



Updated by Benny Lyne Amorsen - over 14 years ago

I have the exact same problem with a FireDTV C/CI. The problem goes away for a while after stopping tvheadend, rmmod firedtv, modprobe firedtv, and restarting tvheadend.


Updated by Andreas Smas over 14 years ago

Sorry for the delay.

It looks like the adapter supports no more than 16 concurrent PID filters.

Or there might be a bug in the driver.

For Tvheadend 3.0 i plan to rewrite the PID filtering code so that Tvheadend receives the entire
mux all the time (assuming the adapter supports such a mechanism)


Updated by Andreas Smas almost 14 years ago

  • Category changed from General to DVB

Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Accepted
  • Target version deleted (3.0)
  • Found in version set to unknown

This has been reported by several people. I've looked at the code (as well as one guy experiencing the problem) and it looks right and did appear to go through the motions. So needs further analysis.


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

Experimental branch created, this will disable ALL PMT monitoring except for newly detected services.

Eventually I'll probably add back in monitoring active services as well. But this will do for an initial test.

You need to disable PMT monitoring for each adapter on the configuration->adapter settings.


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Andreas Smas to Adam Sutton

Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Fixed

Applied in changeset commit:94628653d1f07ce089d4031b70d67752e8beb25f.


Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago

  • Target version set to 3.2

Updated by Wish Ramadhin almost 12 years ago

I still get errors opening files, PMT monitoring is disabled.
FireDTV/C here.

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