


Feature #1838

Deliver valid mime types for streaming access

Added by Sascha Schmidt about 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

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While building a framework around of tvheadend I'm faced with the lack of informations delivered by tvheadend.
It would be great if tvheadend would deliver the correct mime-type for streaming access. Additionally this would be perfect to identify transcoded streams.



Updated by Adam Sutton about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Need feedback

Where exactly are the MIME types being provided incorrectly? I just checked a couple of links and they seemed fine.



Updated by Sascha Schmidt about 11 years ago

Adam Sutton wrote:

Where exactly are the MIME types being provided incorrectly? I just checked a couple of links and they seemed fine.

I'm trying to find out what goes wrong. Using any html5 or flash video player for browsers doesn't work.

For example using a video url like this:

Cannot be played by flowplayer, sublimevideo, jwplayer, ...
Adding this url to vlc plays the video instantly. Looking at the codecs shows me that that h264 and aac is used.

So my first thoughts went in direction of mime-types.


Updated by Sascha Schmidt about 11 years ago

Adding mimetypes to the html5 video tag manually doesn't solve the problem either.
Additionally there's a problem because an extension (like .mov and .mp4) is missing. So nearly all html5 video player do not recognize the output of tvheadend as a stream.

Would be great if you could add extension support for streaming urls...


Updated by John Törnblom about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from Need feedback to Rejected

The mp4 container does not support muxing of continuous streams, and thus is not available in tvheadend. Microsoft has something they call smooth streaming, which is basically several mp4 files concatinated, but is not supported by any other browsers.

For firefox, use VP8 + vorbis, muxed in the webm container.
For chrome, use H264 + AAC, muxed in the matroska container.
For webkit, user H264 + AAC, muxed in the mpegts container, and referenced from a m3u playlist (http live streaming).

See for url formatting

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