Feature #1793
Regex/Rules for EPG data
I'd like the capability to allows users to create a regex/rules query per EPG entry to extract things like the episode number, subtitle, date, etc from the EIT that the broadcaster has embedded in the Description section.
Example EPG data from one of my channels "Clan":
Title: Los Pingüinos De Madagascar
Description: Año: 2009; Núm. cap.: 49; "La visita del tío Nigel": el tío de Private llega de visita y les descubrirá que es un espía en busca de la Ardilla Roja . "Maurice en paz": un documento asegura que a Maurice le quedan 24 horas de vida y todos querrán hacer que sea el mejor día de su vida, pero sin que él lo sepa. Tit.: La Visita Del Tio Nigel / Maurice En Paz
Genre: Children's / Youth programmes
It should add this data back into the EPG for subsequent autorec duplicate checking and for searching.
I have patched the EPG in the past but it essentially required hard coding the Title, Channel and Regex query into the EPG source code in advane which isn;t flexiable. It would be more efficient if users could do this though the GUI using a set of rules.
Rule 1: If "Channel" is "Clan" and "Title" is "Los Pingüinos De Madagascar" then "SubTitle" is (Regex:- La Visita Del Tio Nigel) and "Episode No." is (Regex:- e49)
Rule2: blah
Rule3: etc
Updated by Phill Lavender over 11 years ago
OK. I've just seen Adam's response to the Pull Request #218 which does a similar thing, and I agree this should really be kept out of the TVheadend source. Adam mentioned ability to export EPG and feed in back in. Are the hooks in place already. What's the preferred approach to doing this? I'm keen to start scripting this my self for the data I need?