


Bug #1774

Channel mapping to EPG grab source disappears

Added by glazed donut over 11 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
(Total: 0.00 h)
Found in version:
3.4 patch 1
Affected Versions:


Whenever I restart tvheadend the mapping between my channels and the xmltv EPG grab sources disappears

As far as I can see the link is made in the files in the following folder:


After creating a mapping in the tvheadend web ui a file will look something like this:

        "name": "DR1 HD DK DK",
        "icon": "",
        "channels": [

but when I restart tvheadend some information is removed from the file, and the file now looks like this:

        "name": "DR1 HD DK DK",
        "icon": "" 

This is a really big issue for me since it means that I cannot have my tvheadend box shutdown automatically during the night.


epg_.xml (11.7 MB) epg_.xml glazed donut, 2013-12-05 17:54


Bug #1800: XMLTV / EPG Grab Source empty after reboot / start-stop of TVHFixedAdam Sutton




Updated by Jan S over 11 years ago

I can reproduce this error. Unfortunately.


Updated by Thomas Oehlenschlæger over 11 years ago

I also experience the same problem

Reproduce by the following steps:
  1. I put the "EPG grap source" on channel in web interface
  2. Hit "Save changes" (Here after, I can also see channeid in the xmltv file)
  3. Restart tvheadend
  4. Reload webinterface
  5. And setting from previous is now gone again

Like glazed I use also as xmltv source

Can I do some debug to find more information?

Running git version: HTS Tvheadend 3.5.243~g2b64995


Updated by Thomas Oehlenschlæger over 11 years ago

Perhaps the problem lies in that uses "/" (slash) in their channel id?


Updated by Thomas Oehlenschlæger over 11 years ago


I've made work around script to remove the slashes from the xml file, and that fixes the problem for me.

#download xml file from (replace your id)
/usr/bin/wget -q -O ~/xml/epg.xml

#use sed to remove "" from channel id's.
sed -i.bak 's/id=\"\/tv\//id=\"/g' epg.xml
sed -i.bak2 's/channel=\"\/tv\//channel=\"/g' epg.xml

Updated by glazed donut over 11 years ago

I can confirm that the workaround in #4 works.


Updated by Ronny Eia over 11 years ago

Is the error in XML, or is Tvheadend doing it wrong?


Updated by Thomas Oehlenschlæger over 11 years ago

Ronny Eia wrote:

Is the error in XML, or is Tvheadend doing it wrong?

tvheadend handle not correctly when there is a slash in the xmltv channel id, which it very well may be a result xmltv standard.


Updated by Adam Sutton about 11 years ago

Can someone provide a sample file that they believe causes the problem? There is nothing in TVH, that I can see, that should preclude a "/" being in the channel ID. But that doesn't mean there isn't something I've missed (quite probable).



Updated by glazed donut about 11 years ago

Her is a sample file attached.


Updated by Adam Sutton about 11 years ago

Ah, the problem is the way in which I'm storing config to disk!

The slashes get used in the config path, and thus create unexpected subdirs. When reloading the config these files are completely missed and not properly tied up.



Updated by Adam Sutton about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset tvheadend|commit:6babbad387d995600628846edc3a2f5802d2c60b.


Updated by Cedric Kastner about 11 years ago

Adam Sutton wrote:

Applied in changeset tvheadend|commit:6babbad387d995600628846edc3a2f5802d2c60b.

Will there be a new version of TVH 3.4 with all fixes from 3.4.27 until now?


Updated by Ole Friis Heesgaard almost 11 years ago

Cedric Kastner wrote:

Adam Sutton wrote:

Applied in changeset tvheadend|commit:6babbad387d995600628846edc3a2f5802d2c60b.

Will there be a new version of TVH 3.4 with all fixes from 3.4.27 until now?

How to update to a working version of TVH ??

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