Bug #1763
Tvheadend WebUI Channel list always jumps to the top
i have installed openelec 3.1.0. x64 with Tvheadend 3.4.
The channel-list in the "Services" Tab always jumps to the top. Makes it impossible to setup/map Channels.
I already tried to disable the adapter, disable idle scanning and disable autodetect muxes. (restarted tvheadend)
I cleaned up tvheadend multiple times completely, and started from scratch.
I tried this on different physical machines with openelec 3.1.0. x86 and openelec 3.1.0. x64.
I also tried with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome on Windows7 and OSX Mountain Lion.
Everytime the same problem.
I recorded the behavior:
Updated by Wolfgang Beer over 11 years ago
This problem exists since way before 3.4, was this way since i started using tvheadend (2.x version i think). gets better when idle scanning is diabled and dvb adapter doesn't do anything, but it still persists.
Updated by Wolfgang Beer over 11 years ago
btw this bug has already been rported earlier:
Updated by tris tee over 11 years ago
seems like if there is some "POLL" or some other PartitialTrigger in place which reloads the Service View from time to time....
this feature also adresses a lot of memory.
Why not just simply refresh the view when you click the Service tab?
Updated by Wolfgang Beer over 11 years ago
will be fixed once dvb rewrite ist merged into master. see https://tvheadend.org/issues/1714#note-2
Updated by Mark Clarkstone almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Resolved in 3.9 - UI now has an Auto refresh checkbox in paging grid.