


Bug #1504

Only two tabs are visible when using IE9

Added by jiaxi xu about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

User Interface
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It alwarys displays only the first two tabs(Electronic Program Guide & Digital Video Recorder) when accessing webui by IE9.

I compiled tvheadend by myself with "--enable-bundle". And I run it on OpenELEC(x86_64).


未命名.jpg (13.7 KB) 未命名.jpg screenshot jiaxi xu, 2013-01-07 11:28
0001-Temporary-fix-for-IE-9-set-IE-8-compatibility.patch (938 Bytes) 0001-Temporary-fix-for-IE-9-set-IE-8-compatibility.patch virtual dj, 2013-01-12 13:29



Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Need feedback

Please provide some debug output from browser (most likely IE is whinging about some JS code).

Also can you provide git commit hash, so we know exactly which version we're talking about.



Updated by Ovidiu Nicolae about 12 years ago

Just update to the latest flashplayer your browser and should work


Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago

Can you please provide proper version info (with git commit) as that really helps in understanding "when" and "where" this bug existed.



Updated by jiaxi xu about 12 years ago

Ovidiu Nicolae wrote:

Just update to the latest flashplayer your browser and should work

The issue still exists after updating to the latest flashplayer.

Adam Sutton wrote:

Please provide some debug output from browser (most likely IE is whinging about some JS code).

Also can you provide git commit hash, so we know exactly which version we're talking about.


Well, the git version is cb832436819dad8692332ee3b16f60b5ac6fb905. And there is no any output from IE.
I remember the browser can't auto refresh anymore since adding the "Status" tab.
From then on I can access only the first three tabs by IE.
Recently only the first two tabs.


Updated by David Hewings about 12 years ago

I can reproduce the error using IE9 and HTS Tvheadend 3.3.264~gf2ad001

Error from debugging is:

SCRIPT445: Object doesn't support this action 
tvheadend.js, line 252 character 3

Code that is affected:

tvheadend.confpanel = new Ext.TabPanel({
            activeTab : 0,
            autoScroll : true,
            title : 'Configuration',
            iconCls : 'wrench',
            items : [ new tvheadend.miscconf, new tvheadend.chconf,
                new tvheadend.epggrab, new tvheadend.cteditor,
                new tvheadend.dvrsettings, 
                new tvheadend.iptv, new tvheadend.acleditor ]

Hope this helps


Updated by virtual dj about 12 years ago

Configuration, Status and About tabs missing on IE9 also in 3.3.304~ga1749a2.
Debugging errors here (they're in my language, so I've translated them in English):

Message: Expected identifier, string or number
Line: 84
Character: 3
Code: 0
URI: http://nas:9981/static/app/config.js

Message: Expected identifier, string or number
Line: 96
Character: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://nas:9981/static/app/status.js

Message: Invalid action for the object
Line: 252
Character: 3
Code: 0
URI: http://nas:9981/static/app/tvheadend.js

Curious note: if you hit F12 to show the debugging panel, and then choose Document mode: standard IE9 the errors disappear and the page loads. Please note that you have to choose IE9 on the Document mode and not Browser mode; choosing Non-standard mode (page defauls) instead leads to the errors.

Maybe some metadata is missing so that IE9 cannot understand that it has to use the "IE9 mode" automatically?


Updated by virtual dj about 12 years ago

Actually the "curious note" led to the solution (see HERE for the details).
I've attached a patch which solves the issues on IE9 and still works with Firefox (I haven't tried with Chrome).

In a nutshell the problem is ExtJS (and indeed IE9); adding the <meta> tag allows it to be detected by the browser and set the corresponding Document mode to IE8 (which works too).

I also added the opening <head> tag, which I think is required (previously there was only a closing </head> tag).


Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Need feedback to Accepted

Can you possibly submit that as a PR via github, Ta.



Updated by jiaxi xu about 12 years ago

After applying the patch, everything works fine.

Thanks, guys.:D


Updated by virtual dj about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Accepted to Fixed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset commit:1820b61a57f155af3d94dad4cdde7ac4cef74a2a.

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