


Feature #1285

Really integrate TS streaming and recording

Added by Eric Valette over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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The way it is doen today is not acceptable for end user. I do not even find "normal" way to specify recording type as TS and even less streaming as TS



Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected
  • Priority changed from High to Low
  • Target version deleted (3.2)

I've absolutely no idea what is being asked for here? TS recording and streaming are both now included as default in release 3.2 or later (currently only available using passthru option).

Recording container is selectable from the DVR configuration page, HTTP streaming currently has no way to control the default (mostly because it's the lesser cousin to custom HTSP and therefore gets less attention). But you can change the output container with the URI query parameters. Pretty much as it was in your own fork (s/query parameters/path/).

Documentation does need updating to document this, but this has already been stated as the focus of the coming weeks.



Updated by Eric Valette over 12 years ago

Adam Sutton wrote:

I've absolutely no idea what is being asked for here? TS recording and streaming are both now included as default in release 3.2 or later (currently only available using passthru option).

In one of your post I understood passthrouh was not filtering relevant program via PAT/PMT. Passtrough is a bad name as whar comes friom the dapater is really the full multiplex.

Recording container is selectable from the DVR configuration page, HTTP streaming currently has no way to control the default (mostly because it's the lesser cousin to custom HTSP and therefore gets less attention). But you can change the output container with the URI query parameters. Pretty much as it was in your own fork (s/query parameters/path/).

Again HTSP is implemented nowhere except in XBMC... HTTP is available on eve ry connected device...

Documentation does need updating to document this, but this has already been stated as the focus of the coming weeks.

Keeping passthrough for TS is at least misleading and should be changed. Then for http selection, I hardly think you can change link when going to the channel page (that creates a VLC window).

I you close the bug I can start a more public and visible discussion on it


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

"Again HTSP is implemented nowhere except in XBMC... HTTP is available on eve ry connected device..."

Where to begin...

1) We have at least 4 HTSP clients that I know of, 2 well known/used (XBMC and Showtime),

2) XBMC (+showtime) make up >90% of our user base (including the current devs), so obviously for a project developed in peoples spare time for no financial gain it is always going to focus on the majority (or the devs personal) requirements. But of course any PRs providing alternative approaches are greatly welcomed.

3) Since clearly we're not doing things properly and you must have a much better approach in your own fork I decided to look at your code. Unfortunately I was unable to find any UI configuration that allowed me to set the default container. Nor was there any selection mechanism when I clicked on an entry in the EPG (to bring up the VLC plugin). Which only left me with the option to manually select the URI, which sounds awfully familiar.

So is it a case of it's ok for you to do something, since you don't care what others want/think. But its not ok for us to do the same?

Oh and your code bombed horribly when I tried to stream something, but I couldn't see where your bug tracker is for me to report this to you and demand you fix it immediately because it doesn't work properly for me and I'm the only person that matters!

"Keeping passthrough for TS is at least misleading and should be changed"

I accept it could do with being clearer, and I will take it up with John. But this is already covered in #1280.

"Then for http selection, I hardly think you can change link when going to the channel page (that creates a VLC window)."

I have already said this on one of the reports you've made. #1281 "Some work might be needed to tart up the UI to allow TS streaming from links on the UI".

"I you close the bug I can start a more public and visible discussion on it"

Bit of an echo in here I think? Because again I'm pretty sure I already suggested this elsewhere. Since the report is already closed, nothing more for me to do, so please start a forum post which would be a MUCH better place for this discussion.


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