


Bug #1234

no channels discovered on DVB-T

Added by Jan Van Belle over 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Found in version:
master branch
Affected Versions:



a while ago I reported an error (bug #825) about my DVB-T card not discovering the available channels (whereas that's no problem on VDR).
So I was quite happy a few days ago it suddenly all works. (that was: 07 september - master branch).
As I saw many changes, I rebuilt my system.

Now the situation is like before: signal quality goes very fast to 0%.

What has changed? It seems to have a very big impact on my DVB-T card.


debug.log (9.79 KB) debug.log Jan Van Belle, 2012-10-21 13:07
stable.diff (141 KB) stable.diff diffs from current HEAD to last known functioning version Jan Van Belle, 2012-11-28 00:14



Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

Auto discovery on DVB-T has never been implemented, it was on the TODO list of one of the new devs but has thus far not been done. It will most likely now be put off until after 3.2 as we've entered feature freeze.

However that seems a different issue to you 0% signal level, can you please rebuild the previous version you were using and confirm there is a difference in performance. Stuff has changed in that area, so its possible there was a mistake.



Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Need feedback
  • Assignee deleted (Hein Rigolo)
  • Target version deleted (3.1)

Updated by Jan Van Belle over 12 years ago

I replied this to the mail sent by the system a few days ago. Anyway, here's the feedback:

I always tag a stable version. (tag= with the date I built the 'stable' version on)
So I stepped back, cleaned up all settings and now everything is fine again.

I am not at home right now, so I cannot check further evolutions for a few weeks.
Sorry for that...

Kind regards,


Updated by Jan Van Belle over 12 years ago

Finally @home again...

Scanning of the multiplexes does work again now, however, they're all of type 'other' and no service names are detected.
Looks the same as preoblem reported #1326

Kind regards,


Updated by Jan Van Belle over 12 years ago

... and it's gone again...

With the latest git sources, the web-ui tells me I have a bad signal quality.
However, I am now listening to the radio and watching TV with the previously mentioned 'stable' version.

I saw something passing about dvb-scan files. could this be a solution for me?



Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

I don't think anything has changed, except the ONID mods (which are not in release/3.2), that could possibly explain what you're seeing.

I you're using master then there the ONID mods are in there but they should have been augmented such that they do now work, however its possible they are causing some issues.

It might be useful to get a debug log.



Updated by Jan Van Belle over 12 years ago

Nothing much to see in there, except for the 'no signal' signs.

I ran my 'test' with following switches: -C -d -w 10000
... and redirected the onscreen output to the file in attachment.

There are only 2 valid frequencies: 482 and 754 MHz.

If I can provide other (more extensive) loggings...



Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Assignee set to Adam Sutton
  • Target version set to 3.4

I need to review this.


Updated by Jan Van Belle about 12 years ago

I just found a slightly more recent version to my 'stable' version.
I'll add the diff file to the actual version (only for the src/dvb directory).

I hope to dive in it myself but there has been quite a lot going on it seems...

Kind regards,


Updated by Jan Van Belle about 12 years ago

I just discovered that the reception is OK with the latest version from github

HTS Tvheadend 3.3.207~gdd37908

But there is somethin serious wrong with the discovered services: even on frequencies with no reception, the services discovered on frequencies with reception are mapped.
eg: on freq 482MHz, there are 12 services.
After that, also on other frequencies, even without signal, these services are repeated...

Kind regards,


Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago

What is the current state of this issue? Sorry I've not followed up for a while.



Updated by Jan Van Belle about 12 years ago

Hey Adam,

It's mostly working now.
But the issue from 1505 remains (I'll update that one too).

I think this one can be closed now.



Updated by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Need feedback to Rejected

Closed as per above.

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