


Feature #1158

Add tuners to Channels tab

Added by Joshua Welch over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

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Add which tuners can tune to each channel on the channel tab of configuration. This will help troubleshooting and it will help diagnose problems much quicker than can be done currently.



Updated by Wojciech Myrda over 12 years ago

Perhaps what You want is to have some additional metadata in the recorded file itself or extra file altogether that would indicate what recording was done with what parameters

Adding additional options to the menu in the channels such as picking tuners should not be necessary as it is servers job to make sure it uses properly available tuners. In case You have problems with tunning to specific muxes on one of the adapters cause it has weak signal you can always check its signal quality in the adapter configuration and deselect it for that particular tuner so tvh would not use it

In normal operations when tuners are used by TVH properly it should not be nedded as it would be confusing to the users to have yet another tab

PS. IMHO this is related to this


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

I think you've misunderstood the point of the request. Josh isn't asking for a mechanism of control, merely information about which tuners are currently tied up by existing subscriptions.

I was actually thinking about this this morning, in relation to the new DVB structure I hope to start on, however it was for a slightly different reason.



Updated by Kev S over 12 years ago

Adam Sutton wrote:

I think you've misunderstood the point of the request. Josh isn't asking for a mechanism of control, merely information about which tuners are currently tied up by existing subscriptions.

That would be really handy - it would also be nifty if you could terminate the subscription/recording too - I've had a couple of occasions where it won't let me change channel because there was an active subscription and I didn't know what had the lock.


Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Fixed
  • Target version set to 3.4

While I still see some use for this in other contexts I think the subscriptions tab that Andreas has add mostly solves the problem listed here.


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