Bug #1034
status.xml: ERROR: not well-formed (invalid token): line 4, column 250
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I use the status.xml of tvheadend to set wakeup-timers for my system. See http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=115758 The status.xml is malformed if there are special chars in the name of the recording, e.g. "Stefan & Erkan" or "Cats & Dogs".
Updated by B. J. over 12 years ago
This is the status.xml as shown in a browser:
XML-Verarbeitungsfehler: nicht wohlgeformt Adresse: http://horus:9981/status.xml Zeile Nr. 4, Spalte 251:<recording><start><date>2012/05/12</date><time>20:20</time><unixtime>1339525200</unixtime><extra_start>3</extra_start></start><stop><date>2012/05/12</date><time>21:45</time><unixtime>1339530300</unixtime><extra_stop>7</extra_stop></stop><title>Cats & Dogs: Die Rache der Kitty Kahlohr</title><status>Recording</status></recording> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^
The Marker shows the "&" between "Cats & Dogs"
Updated by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago
- Category set to 11
- Status changed from New to Accepted
- Assignee deleted (
Andreas Smas)
Agreed, page_status() doesn't clean the EPG strings it just outputs as is, so it will produce invalid XML.
Updated by Andy Brown over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Accepted to Fixed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset commit:951c2af888a8e701d5b9c312f341b814cc37233a.