Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Ronny Eia over 11 years ago
Tvheadend has the best recorder and tuner. I've tried a lot of them, and Tvheadend always work. Right out of the box...
The webif configuration on the other hand is a pain. It's slow and requires too many clicks to get things done. Putting the webif aside is not an option, cause the configuration is stored in gazillion of files. Not one cute XML... Gazillion of more or less undocumented files.
The scheduler works. It does schedule recordings, but not very intelligent. Never seen a episode being postponed to be recorded at a later time. This clogs the tuners in prime time. Myth has a much better scheduler. Don't know a better way of saying this...
My experience is based on running different PC PVR for 8 years. Currently running 4 tuners, and honestly Myth was able to get all my shows with 2 tuners just by using a better scheduling code.
Today I can't live without Tvheadend. When there is an alternative, Myth and DVBLogic is close, I'll probably wave goodbye.
Now off to send a small donation to the development...
Replies (12)
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Akos Sz over 11 years ago
Check my tool for configuring channels.
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Ronny Eia over 11 years ago
I tried and it didn't work. Looked for the source to fix it... Guess there is something bad hidden when source of free tools aren't available.
Release source. Use SSH to edit files on server. CodePlex is a nice way of sharing .NET software projects.
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Andrew Ward over 11 years ago
It is, sadly, true; the web interface is wretched.
Elsewhere on the forum I read "It works better if you throw away most of the transponders". What a solution! The interface can't handle the data, let's discard the data...
I can say that I have tried different architectures, (Intel, AMD, ARM), different OS's (Windows, Linux, Android), different browsers (Opera, Firefox, IE, Chrome, Android Browser) and it blows royally in all of them. My little AMD E-450 utility PC's CPU is driven to 100% for minutes at a time. My Core2 quad system doesn't have that problem but is still dog slow and - above all - prone to freezing for 30-second periods. Channel editing is awful, because then you get the 30-second freeze, plus the scrolled list scrolls back up to the top, so you have to scroll back down to where you were. If you click on something and it doesn't respond, then there's the horrible knowledge that in 30 seconds you're going to see the click land somewhere at the beginning of the page, not where you wanted it.
Plus the layout! Windows within windows within windows, a proliferation of scroll-bars and tabs, non-adjustable column widths. Well, the column widths might be adjustable (mousing over them brings up a left-right arrow) but any attempt to do so - yup, you guessed. It freezes.
Whilst all this is happening, the server rubs long happily on 2-5% of an ancient Phenom server, even running 2 tuners at once.
What's most disturbing is that this interface problem doesn't seem to bother anybody. This is the first post I've read here that tells it like it is. I seriously thought I was on my own, but knowing that I'm not doesn't make me feel any better.
Thanks for the tip about the alternative, I'll go and check it out. Plus if there's any chance of a CLI, that might help.
PS: If this sounds grouchy, intemperate or simply trollish, my apologies. But I've been wrestling with this for months, and I'm running out of good will.
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Prof Yaffle over 11 years ago
I'll bite on this one...
What's most disturbing is that this interface problem doesn't seem to bother anybody
Adam has stated many, many times that web development and UI design are not his strong suits; I am assuming that the same is true for the other developers. If someone with better skill wants to volunteer their time and knowledge then I'm sure it would be very much appreciated.
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Akos Sz over 11 years ago
Ronny Eia wrote:
I tried and it didn't work. Looked for the source to fix it... Guess there is something bad hidden when source of free tools aren't available.
Release source. Use SSH to edit files on server. CodePlex is a nice way of sharing .NET software projects.
I am going to make it open source. However feedback with bug reporting would also help.
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Andrew Ward over 11 years ago
Prof Yaffle wrote:
I'll bite on this one...
What's most disturbing is that this interface problem doesn't seem to bother anybody
Adam has stated many, many times that web development and UI design are not his strong suits; I am assuming that the same is true for the other developers. If someone with better skill wants to volunteer their time and knowledge then I'm sure it would be very much appreciated.
I wasn't aware of that, and it wasn't my intention to slander Adam. What I have seen elsewhere is a suspicion from other users that the problem is extjs, which (it is alleged) allows relatively easy coding at a price of poor run-time performance. Alas, I have no web-coding chops; were it otherwise I would be happy to attempt to contribute to this project, as I do agree with the OP's statement that "TVheadend has the best tuner and recorder".
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Kev S over 11 years ago
The main problem I find is the with the DVB-S multiplexes - it will be down to the sheer number of elements on the page which browsers don't handle too well - I tend to fine Frameworks in general add a bit of overhead, but tend to produce better looking results (as lets face it few programmes can do good ui).
The "simplest" fix would be to add pagination - or a bit better add filters, which are remembered, meaning one slow page load, switch encryption method to FTA and removing loads of stuff from the page and therefore increasing speed - then you could add bits in slowly (e.g. Enable, FTA + NDS, TV services) keeping the list manageable. Still wouldn't help with huge lists and requires UI and back-end changes. Working with loads of records like you have when all the Astra 1 and Astra 2 services are in the list is a bit impracticable and going to be awkward and / or slow at times - if you try and hide some by default then you'll end up with lots of people getting confused and not noticing the big red box telling them some services are hidden until they amend the filters!
When editing channels on DVB-S I find the best way to stop the constant jumping is to tie the tuners up (e.g. put one of the music channels on) so they don't keep apply changes (annoyingly the Freesat and Sky transponders cause the services to get renamed constantly) - this reduces the hangs and jumping quite a bit.
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by renne - almost 11 years ago
I'm trying to use the TVH 3.4-dirty supplied with RaspBMC.
- The WebIf reloads about every 30 seconds and all selected settings are gone before one can save them.
- Whenever one does a change or scrolls up/down Firefox freezes and becomes grey for 5-30 seconds.
- Sometimes the script limit is exceeded. Firefox keeps displaying a script-no-answer-warning until Firefox freezes completely and has to be killed on the command-line.
TVH is a great idea, but useless if you can't configure it ...
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Prof Yaffle almost 11 years ago
I have four tuners, three networks, 114 muxes, 1632 services, and 86,000 entries in my (filtered) EPG. I'm sure that's not excessive, but... nothing freezes, nothing reloads, and nothing prevents me from making changes and saving them. I'd suggest that it's your distro, your config or that version of tvheadend. Not that I'm defending tvheadend, but...!
I would suggest upgrading to master, but I think that's perhaps still broken - perhaps have a look at a recent build but not right up-to-date (I run 3.9.438/gd328f74). There's certainly something wrong, though.
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Al B almost 11 years ago
I had a similar issue at times with the webif reloading it seems to be when muxes are being scanned the webif reloads to reflect any changes after a mux has been scanned. usualy i just wait till muxes are finshed being scanned o am using the latest build 3.9.542.
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by renne - almost 11 years ago
After disabling autodetection of muxes and idle scan, the webif doesn't reload anymore.
But on all listing operations Firefox becomes grey for 1-30 seconds, even on a [email protected] GHz, 4 GB RAM (Ubuntu 13.10 Desktop 64-bit). I also tried to run TVH 3.4 itself on the Core2-Duo, no change. TVH 3.9.560~gf5bbb4c~saucy seems to reduce load by showing only 50 lines of services. I'll test it.
Setup is just one Tevii-S660 DVB-S(2) (USB) on Astra 19.2°.
RE: Tvheadend webif is a pain to work in
Added by Kev S almost 11 years ago
renne - wrote:
After disabling autodetection of muxes and idle scan, the webif doesn't reload anymore.
Alas I've found I need to tie the tuners up by recording lots of stuff.
But on all listing operations Firefox becomes grey for 1-30 seconds, even on a [email protected] GHz, 4 GB RAM (Ubuntu 13.10 Desktop 64-bit). I also tried to run TVH 3.4 itself on the Core2-Duo, no change. TVH 3.9.560~gf5bbb4c~saucy seems to reduce load by showing only 50 lines of services. I'll test it.
Setup is just one Tevii-S660 DVB-S(2) (USB) on Astra 19.2°.
Same here - it's not as bad on my work PC since installing Windows 8.1 and an SSD - only about 15 seconds of "not responding" (Astra 2 and half a dozen Astra 1 multiplexes 1409 services on 114* multiplexes). Chorme seems more stable, but ocassionally spits its dummy out and stops responding. No pauses at all on terrestrial though - but that is only 170 services across 9* multiplexes.
*Both numbers include 1 (DVB-T) or more (DVB-S) with no services, yet.