Some configure issues
Added by Kjell A. Stormo about 12 years ago
Have got some issues with the configure part, Tvh is working ok, but running the configure i get the no result with bundle and dvbcsa
cwc yes
v4l yes
linuxdvb yes
dvbscan yes
timeshift yes
imagecache yes
avahi yes
zlib yes
libav yes
inotify yes
bundle no
dvbcsa no
execinfo yes
mmx yes
sse2 yes
getloadavg yes
py_gzip yes
bin_bzip2 yes
ssl yes
inotify_h yes
Can anyone explain what these options does, and how to get them working?
Replies (2)
RE: Some configure issues
Added by Adam Sutton about 12 years ago
dvbcsa = A different CSA engine, if you don't know what it is you're unlikely to need it.
bundle = Sticks all resources (such as web pages) into the binary, rather than as files on the filesystem. Again if you don't know what its for, you're unlikely to need it.
RE: Some configure issues
Added by Kjell A. Stormo about 12 years ago
Ok, Thank you for clearifying :-)
And thank you all for a all the work you put into this system.