is it possible ??!!
Added by moataz hesham almost 12 years ago
*h2. i wonder if tvheadend can be used at a wide scale in internet live tv streaming !!
and if it can do this what is the minimum requirements like bandwidth...server specifications ?!!
and do you think it can withstand like 5000 concurrent connection at the same time ??!!
thanks inadvance*
Replies (2)
RE: is it possible ??!! - Added by Arend van der Boom almost 12 years ago
My first reaction would be, yes why not. Practically I will be not that simple. It all depends on your available bandwidth, hardware etc. For streaming onto the Internet as per your question there are other solutions available.
Beside that there will be some legality implications. Not sure if your content provider would like you to resend their streams without any form of payment.
RE: is it possible ??!! - Added by moataz hesham almost 12 years ago
other solutions available ??!! like what ?!