Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Scottie Arnett almost 3 years ago
Is there a way to transcode only certain channels? How do you tell what format the source video channels are to select a source video codec in the "streams" section for transcoding? I want to only tanscode the high definition channels to lower the bandwidth consumption, but I think they are mpeg2, so selecting it transcodes all channels.
Replies (16)
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Hiro Protagonist almost 3 years ago
Are these channels OTA or IPTV?
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Scottie Arnett almost 3 years ago
OTA tv antenna.
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by saen acro almost 3 years ago
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Scottie Arnett almost 3 years ago
Over 6 years ago! I guess that is not going to be done anytime soon.
OK. any work arounds?
I have had no replies on the other question....How to tell what format channels are?
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Ron L almost 3 years ago
Probably the best way to tell the format is to record a sample and then use the program mediainfo to identify the format. It can normally be installed from your distro repos.
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by saen acro almost 3 years ago
Any player show same info without need to record
ffprobe http://tvh.ip.or.dns:9981/url
also show it
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Scottie Arnett almost 3 years ago
Ron L wrote:
Probably the best way to tell the format is to record a sample and then use the program mediainfo to identify the format. It can normally be installed from your distro repos.
As I suspected. My SD and HD channels are both mpeg2. I guess the only solution is to wait until there is a way to transcode by channel?
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Scottie Arnett almost 3 years ago
Are there any forks of tvheadend that allow you to transcode by channel? Any other software recommendations to try or any ideas on how to accomplish this?
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by saen acro almost 3 years ago
Make manual playist with transcode profille
Else spawn profile with ffmpeg analize option with will transcode depend on input format.
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Scottie Arnett almost 3 years ago
OK you are way above my head. How do I "Make manual playist with transcode profille?" I have searched the web and looked in tvheadend but do not see that option.
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by saen acro almost 3 years ago
edit links in playlist
is name of your transcoding profile
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Scottie Arnett almost 3 years ago
saen acro wrote:
edit links in playlist
is name of your transcoding profile
Is the playlist a file on the server?
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Ron L almost 3 years ago
If you look to the help menu in TVH webconfig under Appendix 1 you'll find documentation for a number or URLs accepted by the TVH server. One of which is playlist.
Thus the url http://YOUR_TVH_IP:9981/playlist
will generate a m3u formatted playlist of your available channels as such....
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1 logo="" tvg-id="dca764259392942fabe246887d3cb7c2" tvg-chno="1000",CKUA #EXTINF:-1 logo="" tvg-id="c962314703bd3b3b78237f24511f5af7" tvg-chno="5501",Repretel 4
Once you save this playlist file you can manually edit the requested profile, in this example "pass" to the one you have created or selected to use for your transcoding profile for any channels that you wish to be transcoded by default. You would then pass this playlist to your IPTV player of choice.
To use this with Kodi I gather would be with the IPTV simple addon rather than the HTS TVHeadend addon.
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by saen acro almost 3 years ago
There is simple way to get playlist
http://test:[email protected]:9981/playlist/auth/channels?profile=test
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by Scottie Arnett almost 3 years ago
Thank you to the people that responded. Ron's suggestion worked for me in VLC on a PC. I am trying to get it to work on a firestick using "dream player tv" app. I have not had time to work with it much nor with kodi. If at all possible I would like to get it working with the "dream player tv" app. When I get time to work with it, I will post back.
RE: Transcode only select channels? How to tell what format channels are?
Added by saen acro almost 3 years ago
Set stream profile in user profile.