MPEG-TS stream from tvheadend
Added by Jack Jordan over 3 years ago
I managed to extract m3u playlist from tvheadend, the structure of the file is as follow (seems http stream)
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="228856396d61e4ccffbd26eb8931785c" tvg-chno="4.1",Name
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="4460066651a94d9a83f58e2514f8aa09" tvg-chno="6.1",Name
in the internet m3u files are mainly using .ts files (MPEG-TS)
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="" tvg-name="Channel1" tvg-logo="" group-title="Group1"
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="" tvg-name="Channel2" tvg-logo="" group-title="Group2"
is it possible to extract .ts files from tvheadend,if not - as a general question, how others achieve this if tvheadend cannot generate .ts files
Replies (3)
RE: MPEG-TS stream from tvheadend
Added by saen acro over 3 years ago
.TS is fake extension for live streams.
Live streams are not files, that's why they are called STREAM'S
Lot of beginers mistakes live streams and HLS chunk's with have extension's .ts
RE: MPEG-TS stream from tvheadend
Added by Jack Jordan over 3 years ago
Thank you,just for understanding, is there a way to convert tvheadend output to mpeg-ts format, i am wondering what other functionality to be used to come up with ts stream
RE: MPEG-TS stream from tvheadend
Added by saen acro over 3 years ago
Jack Jordan wrote:
Thank you,just for understanding, is there a way to convert tvheadend output to mpeg-ts format, i am wondering what other functionality to be used to come up with ts stream
It's already a mpeg-ts format.