Creating pre-defined muxes for DVB-C
Added by Sim F about 4 years ago
I've spent way too long on how to make tvheadend work. I have a Hauppauge SoloTV USB adapter. I've downloaded and installed the required firmware. I want to use tvheadend. I have Vodafone (formally known as Kabel Deutschland) in Regensburg (Bavaria) as cable provider. How do I create a pre-defined mux for this?
I tried w_scan2, dvbv5-scan. With w_scan2 I could generate a playlist for VLC which worked. For dvdv5-scan I don't know where to get the "initial" file from.
There is an interesting site which seem to provide some channel data for my location:
Please advice me step by step on how to generate a pre-defined muxes in correct format for tvheadend. Or is this a manual process?
I'm using tvheadend 4.2.8 on Archlinux x64
BTW I plan to use the pre-defined mux also for a Fritzbox, which serves as SAT>IP provider (already recognized by tvheadend).
Replies (3)
RE: Creating pre-defined muxes for DVB-C - Added by saen acro about 4 years ago
To create initial file you can use one of this tools:
w_scan -f c -x
tsscan -v -l –show-modulation
scan -o pids -a 2 initscan.conf
this one is for v3
for v5 need to modificate it
RE: Creating pre-defined muxes for DVB-C - Added by Sim F about 4 years ago
Thank you.
For all the warriors who fought here:
w_scan2 -f -c x > initial dvb-format-convert -I CHANNEL -O DVBV5 initial de-City-Provider cp de-City-Provider /usr/share/tvheadend/data/dvb-scan/dvb-c/ systemctl restart tvheadend
On Web-UI start wizard.
For Fritzbox see eg.
RE: Creating pre-defined muxes for DVB-C - Added by Flole Systems about 4 years ago
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