


Raspberry Pi High CPU load / Tvheadend task (1 core) every 2-3 days

Added by Michael B over 4 years ago

Hi to all supporters,

My configuration:
- HTS Tvheadend 4.2.8-34~g24a2f59e9
- Raspberry Pi 3 (1GB) but also tested with Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB)
- Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) Lite
- DVB-C Hauppauge WinTV HD Dual (with installed firmware)
- Extra installed packages are pihole/PiVPN (PiVPN with unattended updates)

The raspberry pi is running 24/7 as server. I see every 2-3 days that one of a lot Tvheadend task is running on one core with 100% cpu usage. With the command "sudo service tvheadend restart" I can solve the problem for the next 2-3 days. It seems that the cpu high usage starts in the morning between 2 - 4 am. First I thought it could be the EPG grabber (only EIT: DVB Grabber is activated) with the automated update, but here is the standard "updates every day between 2 am and 2 pm". No recording was running to this time. I live in Germany and use only Free TV stations from Kabel Vodafone. I'm a bit scared about the situation regarding the uncontrolled overheating of the raspberry pi specially if i'm ooo for a longer time. I hope anybody can help me to solve this problem. Thanks


Replies (2)

RE: Raspberry Pi High CPU load / Tvheadend task (1 core) every 2-3 days - Added by saen acro over 4 years ago

reduce time for getting EPG from MUX to minimal time in EPG Graber page
search for

EPG scan time-out in seconds (30-7200):

RE: Raspberry Pi High CPU load / Tvheadend task (1 core) every 2-3 days - Added by Michael B over 4 years ago

I have changed the time-out to 60 seconds but do not know what this means and whether it's a good choice, btw I have only 60 TV stations mapped. A second change what I have made is an update to the version 4.3-1857~g221c29b40 based to this instruction . It's to early to say that it runs without problems, I'll monitor it for a few days and get back to you.
