


Roku App for TVH

Added by Richard Denny over 4 years ago

Please forgive me - I have no expert knowledge however I have downloaded this app from Jaker MX for a TVH client on Roku. It works great but the layout isn't so good. Could anyone modify the app so it has a simple black table list of all channels with possibly now and next from an epg. I have no expertease in this but would very much like to use my TVH more effectively and no longer use my tv's in built tuner.

Thank you.

Replies (1)

RE: Roku App for TVH - Added by Flole Systems over 4 years ago

There is no license included that allows modifications so anything modified would be a violation of the authors copyright. You should ask the author for those changes (and possibly pay for it) or ask for it to be released under a certain license.
