


Help with ffmpeg pipe.

Added by Dave Massey about 5 years ago

Hey guys I tried every sample I could find to try to pipe this local radio station through FFMPEG but I cant do it :(

Anyone know how to pipe the following radio station so I can add it as a channel to tvheadend?

Thanks for any help!

Replies (3)

RE: Help with ffmpeg pipe. - Added by clint jones about 5 years ago

Some M3u8 links won't work directly even though they play in VLC, not sure why

make a new single IPTV mux (not IPTV automatic)


pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -i -c:a ac3 -f mpegts -mpegts_service_type digital_radio pipe:1

put this in the URL field, disable epg, choose Ethernet adapter and scan.

Should work them make your service and channel

good luck if you are using Kodi it might show up under a new menu item "Radio" instead of under your regular tv channels

some M3u8 will work just by putting the url in some not? Make sure you actually have FFMPEG installed


RE: Help with ffmpeg pipe. - Added by Dave Massey about 5 years ago

Great Thanks!! It worked well, but I discovered that my client won't play radio stations, so I saw in the docs that its possible to make a fake video stream to let the client play it (Plex)
Tvheadend played it perfectly.

This is the example I was working from but couldnt get it to work but I think its for older ffmpeg.

pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -loop 1 -y -i /path/to/image.png -re -i INPUTLINK
-vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -mbd rd -copyinkf -flags +ilme+ildct -fflags +genpts
-metadata service_provider=RADIOPROVIDER -metadata service_name=RADIONAME -tune zerolatency -f mpegts pipe:1

RE: Help with ffmpeg pipe. - Added by Dave Massey about 5 years ago

Ok I just wanted to update this post with a working Jan/2020 version of the pipe that worked, noting that it required the latest FFMPEG to stream so make sure you're the latest! Ubuntu 18.04 only came with a v3 version.
This streams HLS and adds a video from a jpg and plays through the Plex and tvheadend perfectly.. Plex expects a video, and wont play audio streams alone.

pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loop 1 -y -i /home/hts/icons/720x480.jpg -i -c:a ac3 -f mpegts pipe:1
