


Import channel list (m3u, Provider: a1tv)

Added by Luke W. almost 13 years ago

I couldn't find a solution to import a m3u channel list, that incudes all channels of my iptv provider.
So I tried to program a simple bash script to add the channels from the m3u list to tvheadend, but something does wrong.
Any ideas?

udp_TV-Senderliste_Basis.vlc (5.01 KB) udp_TV-Senderliste_Basis.vlc unix bash script
m3u_2_tvheadend (1.06 KB) m3u_2_tvheadend m3u list, iptv provider: a1tv

Replies (6)

RE: Import channel list (m3u, Provider: a1tv) - Added by Luke W. almost 13 years ago

Of course the first attachement is the list, and the second one the script..

RE: Import channel list (m3u, Provider: a1tv) - Added by Pavol Grohol over 12 years ago


any news here? I would also be interesting in this solution :-)

RE: Import channel list (m3u, Provider: a1tv) - Added by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

There is a feature request for this, best to discuss there.


RE: Import channel list (m3u, Provider: a1tv) - Added by Adam Sutton over 12 years ago

Sorry was on my phone earlier, not the easiest to look up what the FR number was. But for those interested its #1137


RE: Import channel list (m3u, Provider: a1tv) - Added by Luke W. about 12 years ago

Long time ago, but I found a solution for linux systems.
Caution, this script comes without any guarantee, it may BREAK your tvheadend setup, so backup your profile folder first!

I attach a bash script. It can be executed periodically (e.g. via cronjob) to check a folder (eg samba-share) for a channel list.
If your channel list was created on a windows machine, open it on a linux machine first and copy all it's contents in a newly created file. Then it's useable by the scipt. (This is because the script can't handle windows line breaks)
Next your have to change the directories in the script to your needs.
Finally place the channel list inside the folder (only the channel list and no other files) and execute the script on your tvheadend machine in command line (bash

Good Luck!

RE: Import channel list (m3u, Provider: a1tv) - Added by Hermann CE over 9 years ago

I have created new importer scripts for A1 TV that are compatible with Tvheadend 4.x:

Have fun!
