Determine what recording rule triggered an OTA recording
Added by Brent Bolin about 5 years ago
Hello All,
I use TVheadend for scheduled OTA recordings. Is there a way from the GUI to determine what autorec triggered the recording?
By looking at the recording rule I can manually determine this by looking at the rule ( /home/hts/.hts/tvheadend/dvr/log )
"autorec": "ca4b5fa705b62485efd3754f3b3eb376"
And the english description I used for the rule
"comment": "Auto recording: Actor James Coburn"
But don't see any reference to this from the web interface
Currently using internal xmltv grabber using zap2xml with full EPG data
Thanks any input would be appreciated
Replies (2)
RE: Determine what recording rule triggered an OTA recording - Added by Brent Bolin about 5 years ago
Recently moved from stable to 4.2.8-31~g0a60f73
Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.14.69-135 armv7l)
Just noticed this can be determined from the web interface under recorded finished recordings column. If you setup a description on the autorec rule