Need some help with provider m3u modification
Added by Lisa White almost 6 years ago
Hey guys, I have sorted out my iptv providers m3u to my liking and I want to keep my old tv providers channel numbers since I am familiar with them. I know that I can manually configure the channel within the system, but how can I modify the m3u string so that tvheadend does not erase it when loaded and mapped? The modified m3u loads up perfectly, but the channels numbers are being erased and I would have to enter them manually. I would prefer to use the original iptv string but I cannot get it to load up. Can someone show me the correct way to make this work?
This is my modified string:
#EXTINF:3, CNN xxxxx
This is the original string:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-ID="" tvg-name="CNN Local" tvg-logo="" group-title="NETWORK TV",CNN Local
http://xxxxx.provider xxxx
Replies (1)
RE: Need some help with provider m3u modification - Added by Oleg _ almost 6 years ago
Hi Lis,
I am not an expert in tvheadend but i am using "perl -pi -e" to update my muxes files as my ip providers changes passwords in url when my subscription expires and rather than scanning all channels again i just update connection url. I found solution on this forum using pipes and ffmpeg to my stability issues but at the same time how to use perl to update muxes files.
But in your case i am not sure if this applies as i removed my m3u file to prevent tvheadend scanning file with old urls.
In case you do try to update many files stop tvheadend service and backup directory so that you could revert back in case anything happens.
service tvheadend stop
cp -R /usr/local/etc/tvheadend/ /home/tvheadend/backup09012019
service tvheadend start
service tvheadend stop
#take a not of permissions assigned to tvheadend directory before deleting it using ls -l command
rm -R /usr/local/etc/tvheadend
cp -R /home/tvheadend/backup09012019 /usr/local/etc/tvheadend/
#run below command to apply permissions as noted earlier
chown -R tvheadend:tvheadend /usr/local/etc/tvheadend/
service tvheadend start