Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows)
Added by Robert Trapp about 6 years ago
Hi Guys,
I'm recording a lot of tv shows.
In the recording profile I activated "add episodes to file name", but it looks like it is not working.
In EPG of the tv show is a episode number included, but not like usually SxxEyy
Here they use number from 01-99 without season id.
An other question is fit there is different between German or English tv shows.
Is this feature working at some German users?
Cheers Robert
Replies (14)
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Rob vh about 6 years ago
Hi Robert
First check the EPG table (the leftmost tab in the browser interface). Do you see a column "Episode"? If not, click on the right corner of a column title, select the Columns pull-down and select the Episode entry.
Do you see episode numbers displayed in the EPG?
Do the same thing in your Digital Video Recorder tables.
If you see episode info in these tables, the EPG parser is OK and your trouble lies in the Recording profile.
If the episode column in EPG and Recordings is empty, you should check the EPG parser/scraper specified for your EPG grabber. These are in /usr/share/tvheadend/data/conf/epggrab/eit/scrape, you can add your own and select this via the Scraper configuration field of your Grabber module.
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Robert Trapp about 6 years ago
hi Rob,
thanks for you answer.
You are right, the episode column isn't showing anything.
Is there anywhere a guide how to create my own EPG grabber?
At the moment I use Over-the-air:EIT: DVB Grabber as default setup in tvh.
Cheers Robert
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Anders Gustafsson about 6 years ago
Have you seen the docs? https://docs.tvheadend.org/webui/config_epggrab/
Below are my own notes:
xmltv - A set of utilities to manage your TV viewing
xmltv-grabbers - Backends for xmltv
tv_find_grabbers baseline manualconfig
tvheadend config i /home/dalton/.hts/tvheadend
cd /home/homer/.hts/tvheadend
homer@tvburk:~/.hts/tvheadend> tv_grab_se_tvzon --configure
The file at this URL describes which channels are available and where data can be found for them.
Root URL for grabbing data: [http://xmltv.tvzon.se/xmltv/channels.xml.gz]
tv_grab_se_tvzon uses a cache with files that it has already downloaded. Please specify where the cache shall be stored.
Directory to store the cache in: [/home/homer/.xmltv/cache]
Select the channels that you want to receive data for.
Blue Movie 1 [yes,no,all,none (default=no)] n
13th Street Germany [yes,no,all,none (default=no)] n
13th Street Netherlands [yes,no,all,none (default=no)] a
creates a config.fil in /home/homer/.xmltv/tv_grab_se_tvzon.conf
Edit to select the channels you want, change = to ! for disable
gedit /home/homer/.xmltv/tv_grab_se_tvzon.conf
test download: tv_grab_se_tvzon --days 2
Grabbers_2016-04-19_16-33-18.jpg (127 KB) Grabbers_2016-04-19_16-33-18.jpg | Screendump of grabbers |
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Robert Trapp about 6 years ago
Hello Anders,
thanks for you help.
Just installed it like you wrote, I also found an other guide.
Now it look like working good.
It there a recommendation to use one or two epg grabber?
Especially only XMLTV or additional the over the air EIT?
There is one thing I can't understand.
The EPG is showing two event for one episode 5min and 40min?
Is there a reason for this behavior.
Cheers Robert
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Anders Gustafsson about 6 years ago
Odd. Hard to say without looking at the actual EPG data. Most of the open-source EPG sources are compiled by volunteers and the quality may vary. You may want to contact the maintainer of the source you have chosen and ask.
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Robert Trapp about 6 years ago
I will wait for the next recoding.
Should have a look into the recording before opening any issue ticket.
Tanks for your help.
Cheers Robert
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Oliver S over 4 years ago
hi Robert,
i'm also into the same problem for german DVB-C (Vodafone).
the standard OTA-EIT DVB Grabber does not extract season/episode informations at all, so the advanced auto-recording settings for min./max. season isn't working, but also i can't use regex for any kind of advanced searching. the "full text" switch doesn't seem to be working as one would expect (can't match anything in TITLE and summary, or any combination which should have a match in 2 fields).
you wrote (and pictured) your solution.
might i ask for help/hints to this?
thx. alot,
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Rob vh over 4 years ago
The epg parsers can be found in /usr/share/tvheadend/data/conf/epggrab/eit/scrape/
I added a file nl into this directory and if you don't mistake the syntax of the file, a new parser type nl shows up in the scraper configuration to use list.
To match text like s 3, afl 15, I had to enter:
"season_num": [
"\\(s ?([0-9]+),? afl ?[0-9]+\\)",
"\\(s ?([0-9]+),? afl ?[0-9]+/[0-9]+\\)",
"\\(s ?([0-9]+)\\)",
" S([0-9][0-9]+)[ \\.]",
" S([0-9][0-9]+)$",
"^S([0-9][0-9]+)\\ "
"episode_num": [
"\\(s ?[0-9]+,? afl ?([0-9]+)\\)",
"\\(s ?[0-9]+,? afl ?([0-9]+)/[0-9]+\\)",
"\\(afl ?([0-9]+)\\)",
"[Ee]pisode ?([0-9]+)",
"[Ee]pisode ?([0-9]+)/[0-9]+",
" E([0-9][0-9]+)[ \\.]",
" E([0-9][0-9]+)$"
"airdate": [
"\\([a-zA-Z]* ?- ?([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])\\)"
"pcre": {
"scrape_title": [
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Oliver S over 4 years ago
thx. Rob for getting back to me quick. :-)
Rob vh wrote:
The epg parsers can be found in /usr/share/tvheadend/data/conf/epggrab/eit/scrape/
I added a file nl into this directory and if you don't mistake the syntax of the file, a new parser type nl shows up in the scraper configuration to use list.
that i'd read above, but my main gripe is: how to figure out which form the epg data has in my case (e.g. german dvb-c vodafone). the only file i can see for the grabbed epg-data is the typical epgdb.vx file, which is binary (database) i guess – so no way to have a look at raw (text) epg data. :-(
i could blindly try to figure it out, but it's a long hit and miss thingy then.
and we got a few words for the same meaning, like for episode we use "folge", "episode" and some times "teil".
and then it would be great to have a combined line with TITLE - sXXeYY, so that when using regex for matching you could do a precise search/find. did you implement this as well?
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Rob vh over 4 years ago
Scraper definitions work on the title and extra text fields, so you can see them in the EPG overview immediately.
You could activate --trace epggrab (or use the Configuration - Debugging - Trace subsystems field to enter epggrab to see how these pesky titles are processed. See https://docs.tvheadend.org/Appendices/debugging/
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Em Smith over 4 years ago
Rob: Is that scraper config likely to work across Germany? Could you submit a PR to add the file as data/conf/epggrab/eit/scrape/de ?
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Rob vh over 4 years ago
The scraper is a sample that works for me, for OTA EPG from Canal Digitaal in the Netherlands.
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Oliver S over 4 years ago
Em Smith wrote:
Rob: Is that scraper config likely to work across Germany? Could you submit a PR to add the file as data/conf/epggrab/eit/scrape/de ?
it probably won't run (or yield any substancial data) on german epg's. the netherland language ist too different for hitting/targeting the same words.
this is why i asked above how i could get my hands on the raw text based (not binary) epg data.
so i could then inspect and extract the necessary informations for a useful pattern matching.
any way for me doing this (inside my unRAID/docker universe)? maybe using an additional switch (with an environment variable passed through to TVH inside the docker)?
RE: Episode numbers in file name (German TV shows) - Added by Dave Pickles over 4 years ago
You can see the EPG data via the HTTP API, though I know nothing of containers and how that might affect you.
curl http://your.tvheadend.ip:9981/api/epg/events/grid?channel=YourChannel
Pipe the output through jq or json_pp to make it more readable.
See https://github.com/dave-p/TVH-API-docs/wiki for more details.