


only one recording at a time; others fail??

Added by Jim Abernathy almost 6 years ago

I just installed tvheadend on a PC and have it working as a stand alone backend. I have some differences in my setup that may be causing the problem, but I can figure it out.

1. I have 2 HDHR tuners, Quatro and Duo, but since I want them shared between PCs, SmartTV, HDHR Viewer, etc. I need to use the HTTP method of streaming the programs. So I setup a .m3u file with the data needed to connect the HDHR to tvheadend. Below are a few of those lines.

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="CBS" tvg-id="" tvg-logo="" group-title="OTA",WNCNDT
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Grit" tvg-id="" tvg-logo="" group-title="OTA",WNCNDT3

2. Some of my channels are set to one HDHR box and some to the other.
3. the same m3u file works on Android TV's ProgTV app but that is only 1 program at a time.

So I used Kodi and view the EPG and setup 3 recordings, 1 to the 2-tuner box and 2 to the 4-tuner box. Only the first program to grab a tuner works. The rest get some error about Failed due to no free adapter.

I'm betting I have something configured wrong. Hopefully someone can spot it for me.

Replies (1)

RE: only one recording at a time; others fail?? - Added by Jim Abernathy almost 6 years ago

I figured this out. in DVB Inputs > Network > MyNetwork entry didn't have the Maximum # input streams set to 4 for my Quatro or 2 for my Duo. They both were the default 1.
