search for babies doesn't work
Added by Dave H almost 6 years ago
OK, so there's a programme on BBC2 on Monday at 2100 called "Babies: Their Wonderful World" and i confess I'm going to record it.
But my first instinct was to search for 'babies' in the title and that shows no results at all? 'Babies' ditto, although I don't suppose it matters. 'bab' produces a single hit.
What am I failing to understand?
Replies (5)
RE: search for babies doesn't work - Added by Em Smith almost 6 years ago
Works for me, using both OTA or SchedulesDirect (and showed a Theroux programme I didn't know was on, so that's fortunate).
If you type "bab" and then click on the programme in the schedule grid, it will fill in the textbox for you. If you then copy+paste that text box to the text box on a new tab does it work?
RE: search for babies doesn't work - Added by Dave H almost 6 years ago
Hmm, I'm using OTA. Today it does work, and I have no idea what is different now. The 'one hit' I got is still there and is 'Bringing Up the Baby' but the info doesn't say anything about Theroux (father, son or other son) so I don't know whether that's what you saw.
I'll keep an eye out for any similar symptoms.
RE: search for babies doesn't work - Added by Em Smith almost 6 years ago
The Theroux was Louis Theroux's documentary "Take my Baby" (Wednesday).
I've not seen cases where things haven't been found. The only thing I can think of is perhaps the server was busy and didn't reply quickly enough since I think the grid clears while waiting for the response.
RE: search for babies doesn't work - Added by Dave H almost 6 years ago
The Theroux was Louis Theroux's documentary "Take my Baby" (Wednesday).
Ah, the reason I didn't find that is because baby is not part of the title. The title is 'Louis Theroux's Altered States: Take...' and the subtitle starts '...My Baby. '
I've not seen cases where things haven't been found. The only thing I can think of is perhaps the server was busy and didn't reply quickly enough since I think the grid clears while waiting for the response.
Don't know. I played around for a while and retyped the search capitalised and so forth so whilst I know it can take a few seconds to update the display after deleting a recording, for example, I don't think I was doing things too quickly. Thanks for thinking about it; I'll keep an eye out in case it ever recurs. Is the search done against the actual text in the display widgets or against some copy held somewhere? e.g. is it conceivable for the display to get out of step wih a database? Then a subsequent OTA EPG update might have made the problem go away?
RE: search for babies doesn't work - Added by Em Smith almost 6 years ago
It sends it to the server to do the query since the web UI only has a small store of data. So, the display shouldn't get out of sync, but I could imagine that you type something, the grid is cleared while it sends query for the new data, and maybe something was happening on the server and the client maybe timed out.
Though, thinking about it, I used to have hangs many months ago where the UI just stopped working since the server had "queued 2mb data", which was caused by box (at the time) deciding to use very poor wifi instead of ethernet to access its remote disks/tuners. So, it's not inconceivable that there was a mini-problem, but it doesn't really account for you being to retype and get new results instantly.