


I have written a better EPG

Added by Paul M over 6 years ago

I'm sorry but I know this has been covered in various ways when discussing apps, but I don't think it's been specifically discussed about the web interface that you access from laptop or desktop.

The default EPG in TVH is useful if you want to look for a specific channel, or search for a specific program. However, unlike most DVRs, there doesn't appear to be a grid view with channels listed vertically and "now and next" listed horizontally.

Replies (66)

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M over 6 years ago

thanks for that suggestion. it also helps prove my point about there having been many attempts to start an EPG but they have floundered.

So, I thought I would add yet another one ;-)

Here's a really crude now/next EPG, it needs a lot of work, is ugly and functional, is a proof of concept in talking to the API:

The README has a roadmap of things that it needs to become more useful.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M over 6 years ago

I've made good progress on this. You can view a sorted list of channels and click them to get an m3u, and a very crude now and next view of an EPG.

One problem I don't know how to solve is to get the stream URL with the auth token, so you get asked for username and password by VLC when opening the m3u.

edited to remove old screenshots

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M over 6 years ago

I just spotted the discussion about adding a grid view to TVH itself.

I'd be delighted if my work was rendered obsolete by a grid view in tvh.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M over 6 years ago

saen acro wrote:

Thanks, I've come to the conclusion that the authentication token can only be retrieved using the htsp interface not the api.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Dave Pickles over 6 years ago

Another one to throw int the mix:

More user-friendly than the TVH UI, though it does need a php-enabled web server to run. The 'timeline' screen is still work-in-progress.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Mark Clarkstone over 6 years ago

Dave Pickles wrote:

Another one to throw int the mix:

More user-friendly than the TVH UI, though it does need a php-enabled web server to run. The 'timeline' screen is still work-in-progress.

I like the fact that you've not over-done it with javascript and really only used it where needed. From the screenshots it appears to be simple to use. Looking at the PHP code however reveals a few security issues, but you already know about those :).

I personally would love to see Python/Micropython embed in TVH to make it easier to develop the frontend, but this sadly has MANY drawbacks.. It's much much slower and has many security issues. So I doubt it would ever happen.

Another option would be to phase-out the current frontend views and simply provide a HTTP API. That way people could DIY, again I don't think this is popular either.

Just my views on this :)

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Em Smith over 6 years ago

I like the "recordings" view on that Tvhadmin since it's easy to read (though I prefer recent at the top). The implementation reminds me of "mythweb".

And the timeline is nice and compact. Can you click on anything? Or did I install it incorrectly?

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Dave Pickles over 6 years ago

I like the "recordings" view on that Tvhadmin since it's easy to read (though I prefer recent at the top). The implementation reminds me of "mythweb".

It's basically a re-implementation of VDRadmin, so I can't claim any originality :)

And the timeline is nice and compact. Can you click on anything? Or did I install it incorrectly?

It's very much work-in-progress. Ideally there would be hover-text with the event summary (though performance may suffer!) and some way of triggering recordings.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Em Smith over 6 years ago

On modern browsers, I imagine it's possible to implement an htsp client using Javascript. That would allow you to do everything that Kodi can do, but would not allow any of the advanced config that the existing UI allows.

I'm not convinced we need anything embedded in the server (callbacks are a pain due to the python GIL). That's not to say an embedded language wouldn't be useful for advanced user configuration, such as generating filenames, or taking actions when files are deleted or finished recording.

But many might be better off just using edit4ever!'s tvh2kodi that runs inside Kodi to do the tvh configuration. It offers a nice menu based system, where you just go 1,2,3,4,5 and then everything is mapped, scanned, and working.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by M. Bergmann over 6 years ago

saen acro wrote: >>

not working here, I have got a tv.xml and extracted files for each day, but nothing happens.

Dave Pickles wrote:

Seems very promising and a php-enabled web server should not be a problem as tvh is running on linux systems only.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by saen acro over 6 years ago

Tim Bremer wrote:

saen acro wrote: >>

not working here, I have got a tv.xml and extracted files for each day, but nothing happens.

wget -O tv.xml http://tvh.ip:9981/xmltv/channels

/this without epg are from iptv/

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by saen acro over 6 years ago

Tim Bremer wrote:

saen acro wrote: >>

not working here, I have got a tv.xml and extracted files for each day, but nothing happens.

wget -O tv.xml http://tvh.ip:9981/xmltv/channels

/this without epg are from iptv/

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M over 6 years ago

I've made a big jump in the now/next time line, things align reasonable accurately, and it's clear whether a program is in progress and how much you've missed!

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by saen acro over 6 years ago

If you use


to put source of project
then it will be integrated in tvh ;)


your design is near...

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M over 6 years ago

If anyone's been watching my TVH EPG project, you'll see that I implemented channel filters using the tags, and a record function, and user preferences, and optional channel icons.
it's not as fugly as it was, it's pretty basic, but it works OK and is fairly lightweight (channel icons does slow it down).

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paraic McDonagh over 6 years ago

Has anyone checked out this?
It's a feature rich mobile and webinterface TV guide for TVH. Sounds like what you are looking for.
There are various forks.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M over 6 years ago
stepborc Add classes for recordline
Latest commit d3262d9 on 17 Jan 2017"

ok, so still probably abandoned like many others but only abandoned 22 months ago, most others much older.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M over 6 years ago

also "forked from polini/TvheadendMobileUI"

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M almost 6 years ago

I added a feature to my EPG to set a persistent auth code, and thus you don't need to enter a username/password when opening a stream in VLC.

I'd be delighted if someone forked my repo and did some work on the UI to stop it being so ugly ;-)

edit.. sorry, correct URL:

I accidentally pasted this, which is one of my other projects, a web interface for get_iplayer. might be useful for people building a media server and you want to include BBC iplayer programs too.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M about 5 years ago

people who've subscribed to this thread might be interested to know that my EPG will now cast live channels to a chromecast device.

if persistent auth worked for playback, or I could find a function in the API to generate a playback ticket, then I could stream recordings.

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M about 5 years ago

Some good progress on tvh_epg project.

At home I have my own DNS, so my TV Headend server has a resolvable name using my private DNS server. However, it appears that Chromecasts always use Google, so, I added a feature to make the program resolve the hostname to an IP address before telling Chromecast to play the stream.

I have found it works very well with my Chromecast 3rd gen. Also, I discovered that it works with my Chromecast Audio, allowing me to stream radio and the soundtrack off TV channels (both mpeg2 std def and h264 hi def channels). Oddly, ClassicFM only plays for two seconds and cuts out, I thought it might be due to a high bit rate but BBC Radio 3 plays just fine.

Talking of radio channels, people might like my command-line radio app (although it was written for the raspberry pi, it will run on anything: )

RE: A better EPG for the web interface? - Added by Paul M about 4 years ago

I've had time to make some improvements. I've found that VLC will use a username/password in the URL when fed an m3u file, so now you can play live streams and recordings without having to authenticate in VLC.

I've set the file type .m3u to open in vlc, and it all works well. The earlier problem I had with ClassicFM cutting out has gone, I don't know what changed.

I'd still like some help making the page prettier!
