


Problems with mixed EPG from multiple EIT/OTA Grabber (NHK World on Astra 19.2)

Added by Juan Jimenez over 6 years ago

Hi everyone,

I've got a problem with the EPG of the NHK World Channel on Astra 19.2E.

The service itself broadcasts in mux 11229V with SID 5021, and has a wonderful EIT with maximum detail and many days in advance. The problem is that several muxes from the Spanish Movistar+ platform, like 10729V for example, also has entries for the same service 5021 on their EIT, but there they only have a "generic" entry for the next 2 days, with no program detail but a generic "NHK World is a Japanese channel..." (in Spanish).

In my TVHeadend installation, the mapped channel's EPG looks like a mixture of both, witt those latter entries taking precedence, so I have the "generic" events for the next to days, and the detailed guide afterwards. Since the generic guide gets updated as days happen, I end up losing my recording schedules and missing recordings.

Is there any way for disabling or prioritizing the EIT data from some specific mux when this happens? Any other idea?

Thanks in advance

Replies (3)

RE: Problems with mixed EPG from multiple EIT/OTA Grabber (NHK World on Astra 19.2) - Added by saen acro over 6 years ago

Configuration > Channels/EPG > Channels
select individual EPG source

RE: Problems with mixed EPG from multiple EIT/OTA Grabber (NHK World on Astra 19.2) - Added by Juan Jimenez over 6 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, but on that selector I have only one option (an XMLTV grabber I configured for another channel).

I assumed the channels that get their EPG from the "Over-the-air: EIT DVB Grabber" had to have that option blank. Maybe there's some way to make the muxes in the network with an EIT for this channel appear there?

Thanks again,

RE: Problems with mixed EPG from multiple EIT/OTA Grabber (NHK World on Astra 19.2) - Added by Juan Jimenez over 6 years ago

I'm doing some additional testing, and I've discovered another weird thing. The EPG broadcast of NHK World through the EIT on the main mux (11229V) is really long. It spans a full month (from today April 29th until May 28th). Both DVBViewer and SmartDVB for Windows read it correctly, but TVHeadend, for some reason, skips first week and begins on May 6th).

Maybe the cause is the interference of the Movistar+ EPG I described on the opening post, but that guide only spanned two days.

Thanks again.

P.S: By the way, I'm using TVHeadend version 4.2.6, from stable repositories
