Post processing: Sometimes TVH misses an extension change (rename) .ts -> .mkv
Added by Marco Jakobs over 6 years ago
due to ongoing issues of playing back recorded .ts files in Kodi (17.4, 17.5, 17.6 - playback quite often just freezes, you need to hit stop and start playing again) I've changed my post processing script to convert the .ts file to .mkv after recording. MKV appears more stable when watching, also skipping seems to be much better.
Some may wonder why I'm not directly recording in .mkv format: Here watching the show from the start while it's still being recorded (timeshifted viewing) does not work with .mkv. And that's what we quite often do.
So I'm converting right after the recording has finished:
- I copy the file from my NAS (where it's recorded) to the TVH server
- Here the file xxx.ts is converted to xxx.ts.tmp. The target is matroska format
- Once this is ready I copy back the file xxx.ts.tmp to the NAS as original file name (xxx.ts), overwriting the original. This is to prevent that the file is "gone" for a while (where TVH would move the DB entry to "deleted recordings" with the comment "file is missing". Unfortunately TVH does not revert this change when the file is back again).
- Finally I'm just renaming the file from xxx.ts to xxx.mkv on the NAS. Usually TVH tracks this change and changed the DB entry accordingly.
When we're still watching that means a short break once the overwrite of the file starts, we just need to wait 2-3 minutes and can continue watching.
But there is ONE problem:
I can run the script from shell as hts user as often as I want for any available recorded .ts files. Works flawlessly and TVH always keeps track of the name change from .ts to .mkv without tagging even a single recording as "file is missing". It works ALWAYS.
Running the same script as the post processing script in TVH, I'm losing around 40% of the recordings into "file deleted - missing". Of course the .mkv file is still there, but TVH seems to miss the rename sometimes and then thinks the file is gone.
I have no idea where's the difference between running the script from shell as hts user or when TVH runs the script as hts user automatically after recording.
It'll be interesting how TVH keeps track of file extension changes and why it's not reliably working when this is done in post processing. I already inserted a "sleep" after the overwrite has finished and before the renaming - but still it's losing track of some files.
Maybe my script is stupid, but as long as playback from recorded .ts files is so unreliable in TVH<->Kodi and originally in .mkv recorded files can't be watched while they are still being recorded I have no other idea.
I appreciate any ideas to improve this. ;-)
#!/bin/sh # variables TSVIDEO=$1 #Full path to recording /video/Recordings/%{ShowName}/%{FileName.ext} error=$2 #error from tvheadend recorder "OK" if no error #compactbase=$(echo "$basename" | sed "s/...$//") # Remove file ext (3 char) filename=`basename $TSVIDEO` #Nur der Filename filepath=`dirname $TSVIDEO` #Nur der Pfad tempfile="/home/hts/convert/$filename" #Name des temp-files targetfile="/home/hts/convert/${filename%.*}.mkv" #Nur der Name des Zielfeiles ohne Pfad MKVIDEO="$filepath/${filename%.*}.mkv" #Kompletter Pfad des neuen Files if [ ! -d "/home/hts/convert" ]; then mkdir "/home/hts/convert" fi # exit if not ok if [ $error != "OK" ]; then echo " Not OK" exit 1 fi # Kopiert in lokales tmp-Directory, Konvertiert dort in MKV und kopiert dann auf TVH zurück. nice -20 cp -f "$TSVIDEO" "$tempfile.tmp" && nice -20 /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "$tempfile.tmp" -sn -vcodec copy -acodec copy -flags +global_header -f matroska "$tempfile" && rm -f "$tempfile.tmp" && nice -20 cp -f "$tempfile" "$TSVIDEO" && #File erst mit falscher Endung (.ts) rüberkopieren, damit TVH die Database nicht löscht sleep 5 && # Wenn man hier nicht pausiert, wird das File ggfs. vom TVH als missing markiert mv -f "$TSVIDEO" "$MKVIDEO" && # Final umbenennen rm -f "$tempfile" # Und letztes Temp-File löschen
Replies (9)
RE: Post processing: Sometimes TVH misses an extension change (rename) .ts -> .mkv - Added by Robert Cameron over 6 years ago
Instead of just moving the file, the safest way is probably to use the "filemoved" API call to inform Tvheadend about the new file:
#!/bin/sh # $1 = File # $2 = Error _ERROR=${2} #_TVH_USER="" #_TVH_PASS="" _TVH_IP="" _TVH_PORT="9981" _API_ENDPOINT="/api/dvr/entry/filemoved" _BIN_FFMPEG="/usr/bin/ffmpeg" _BIN_CURL="/usr/bin/curl" _FILE_FULL=$(readlink -f "${1}") _FILE_PATH=$(dirname "${_FILE_FULL}") _FILE_NAME=$(basename "${_FILE_FULL}" .ts) if [ ${_ERROR} != "OK" ] ; then echo "$(date): Error with conversion of ${_FILE_NAME}" exit 1 fi echo "$(date): Converting ${_FILE_NAME}" nice -20 ${_BIN_FFMPEG} \ -loglevel fatal -hide_banner \ -i "${_FILE_FULL}" \ -map 0 -c copy \ -y "${_FILE_PATH}/${_FILE_NAME}.mkv" # Uncomment if you wish to ensure group-level access #echo "$(date): Changing permissions on ${_FILE_NAME}.mkv" #chmod 664 "${_FILE_PATH}/${_FILE_NAME}.mkv" # If you need user/pass for Tvheadend access, change the URL to: # "http://${_TVH_USER}:${_TVH_PASS}@${_TVH_IP}:${_TVH_PORT}${_API_ENDPOINT}". # Also, check that the user/pass variables are set echo "$(date): Notifying Tvheadend of the change to ${_FILE_NAME}.mkv" ${_BIN_CURL} -s "http://${_TVH_IP}:${_TVH_PORT}${_API_ENDPOINT}" \ --data-urlencode "src=${_FILE_FULL}" \ --data-urlencode "dst=${_FILE_PATH}/${_FILE_NAME}.mkv" > /dev/null echo "$(date): Conversion of ${_FILE_NAME} finished" echo "$(date): Removing ${_FILE_NAME}.ts" rm "${_FILE_FULL}"
I know it's not quite perfect, but here's a quick and dirty based on a script I used to do nearly the same thing you were trying to do. I added your error-checking and call to nice
, although the nice
call probably isn't really necessary since ffmpeg
is only repackaging the streams and not really converting anything.
RE: Post processing: Sometimes TVH misses an extension change (rename) .ts -> .mkv - Added by Marco Jakobs over 6 years ago
Awesome Robert, thanks a ton!
This is exactly what I was looking for (did not know about the API calls) and it's working perfectly. Also it gives me the advantage of just a very minimal "outage" when still watching a recording from "behind" as the .mkv is already present before the .ts file is deleted - so I don't need to wait the time when it copies (overwrites) the original file. In theory I should be able to immediately restart the playback once the output froze due to the missing .ts file which was playing.
Working perfectly by calling the script via the shell, I'll schedule some real life test recordings now.
RE: Post processing: Sometimes TVH misses an extension change (rename) .ts -> .mkv - Added by Robert Cameron over 6 years ago
To ensure that you don't have those odd freezing issues when you delete/remove the original file, and safer alternative might be to move the original file to a temporary location, so if the change happens mid-viewing, the file isn't lost and you aren't interrupted. Then, run a cronjob to remove the items from the temporary location early every morning. Something like:
# Replace the `rm` command at the end of the script with: mkdir -p /tmp/tvh_converted mv {_FILE_FULL} /tmp/tvh_converted/ # As a crontab entry (to run at 3:00am daily): * 3 * * * rm -rf /tmp/tvh_converted
RE: Post processing: Sometimes TVH misses an extension change (rename) .ts -> .mkv - Added by Marco Jakobs over 6 years ago
now it's getting horrible complicated!
When two scheduled recordings are ending at the same time this ends up in a mess!
It seems the first recording is running the post processing script, but the second recording (with a different file name of course) seems to crash something.
Let's say, these two recordings are ending at the same time:
1) tagesschau-ARD.ts
2) heute-ZDF.ts
"tageschau" makes the run and starts the processing script. As I output each action into a log file I see that everything is copied and converted. Fine so far.
In the background I guess TVH wants to start the post process script for "heute" nearly at the same time, but that's not working yet - maybe only one script instance can run at the same time? I do not even see a log file entry that the conversion of "heute" did ever start.
Then the runninng "tagesschau" script wants to notify TVH about the change with the API call, here the script just DIES! The TVH webserver (I had this open in a browser window) got unresponding. But I'm catching when the CURL times out, in this case the script it's not working at all anymore. There is no entry in my log at all after this point (also failures are logged).
In addition, the second recording "heute" does never appear in the TVH database - it's just not there (although the .ts file is OK and in position).
So when TVH calls the post processing script by the ending of another recording while another one is still running this seems to end in a serious faulty situation. :-|
Does anyone know a workaround here? My only stupid idea is that the post process script just writes a kind of a "task file" into a directory and then exits immediately, and a cron job which is called every minute checks for new "tasks" and processes them (which will a be totally independent thread from TVH).
That idea implies a lot of reading on my side (I'm an embedded C guy and really not experienced in shell scripts )
RE: Post processing: Sometimes TVH misses an extension change (rename) .ts -> .mkv - Added by Robert Cameron over 6 years ago
I'm probably closer to your situation than most others. The script I posted was a modified version of one I used as part of something to selectively repackage my TS files into MKV containers. I've had bad luck trying to get Tvheadend to properly and reliably run post-processing scripts. Furthermore, it seems that Tvheadend has problems with escaping/sanitizing the external commandline; arguments often get mangled.
I think running your own worker-process outside of Tvheadend might be the best way to handle your situation.
(Although, personally I have just been sticking with TS containers ... queueing through a recording may be a struggle at times, but it's manageable. Maybe someday Tvheadend will allow stream profiles to applied to recordings to allow them to stream at the requested profile instead of only at the stream profile used for the recording.)
RE: Post processing: Sometimes TVH misses an extension change (rename) .ts -> .mkv - Added by Marco Jakobs over 6 years ago
Thanks, Robert!
I've tried to run the script in the background, so instead of TVH now calls which looks like this:
#!/bin/bash ./ $1 $2 & exit 0
Even more bad luck ... records which end at the same time will now completely be ignored converting wise, I don't see even one single log line. Works perfect from shell and if just one single recording ends..
So I'll dive into that and realize my plan B: TVH will just create a "task" file for a recording and a cron job will check for new task files each minute and processes that independently. That should normally work (hopefully).
RE: Post processing: Sometimes TVH misses an extension change (rename) .ts -> .mkv - Added by Marco Jakobs over 6 years ago
New strategy: TVH just calls the script "" as post processing file. This does nothing else then creating a "taskfile" in my convert directory, it then immediately exits.
In the crontab of the user "hts" the script "" is called once per minute. If it finds a taskfile it'll do the conversion, notify TVH about the filemane change and then exits.
Works in shell, I'll now schedule some recordings with identical end time tomorrow to see how that works in pratice
#!/bin/sh # variables TSVIDEO=$1 #Full path to recording /video/Recordings/%{ShowName}/%{FileName.ext} error=$2 #error from tvheadend recorder "OK" if no error logfile="/home/hts/convert/conversions.log" filedate=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M'` filename=`basename $TSVIDEO` #Nur der Filename filepath=`dirname $TSVIDEO` #Nur der Pfad taskfile="/home/hts/convert/${filename%.*}-${filedate}.tsk" #Nur der Name des Zielfeiles ohne Pfad echo "\n\n$(date): *** Creating conversion task for ${TSVIDEO} ***" echo "\n\n$(date): *** Creating conversion task for ${TSVIDEO} ***" >> $logfile if [ ! -d "/home/hts/convert" ]; then mkdir "/home/hts/convert" fi # exit if not ok if [ $error != "OK" ]; then echo "$(date): TVH returned error for recording of ${TSVIDEO}" echo "$(date): TVH returned error for recording of ${TSVIDEO}" >> $logfile exit 1 fi echo "${TSVIDEO}\n" >> $taskfile exit 0
#!/bin/bash # Check for a new taskfile taskfile="" for i in /home/hts/convert/*.tsk; do [ -f "$i" ] || break taskfile=$i done if [ -z "$taskfile" ]; then exit 0 #Raus, kein Taskfile da fi logfile="/home/hts/convert/conversions.log" # Holt die erste Zeile aus dem File in $TSVIDEO TSVIDEO="" while IFS='' read -r TSVIDEO || [[ -n "$TSVIDEO" ]]; do break done < $taskfile if [ -n "$TSVIDEO" ]; then echo -e "$(date): Conversion file found: ${TSVIDEO}" echo -e "\n$(date): Conversion file found: ${TSVIDEO}" >> $logfile else rm -f $taskfile # Taskfile löschen, da steht nix sinnvolles drin exit 0 #Raus, kein Taskfile da fi # Taskfile löschen rm -f $taskfile # Prüft, ob das Videofile aus dem Taskfile existiert if [ ! -f $TSVIDEO ]; then # echo "Videofile not found!" exit 0 fi # Hier die Umwandlung beginnen _TVH_USER="admin" _TVH_PASS="password" _TVH_IP="" _TVH_PORT="9981" _API_ENDPOINT="/api/dvr/entry/filemoved" _BIN_CURL="/usr/bin/curl" #compactbase=$(echo "$basename" | sed "s/...$//") # Remove file ext (3 char) filedate=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M'` filename=`basename $TSVIDEO` #Nur der Filename filepath=`dirname $TSVIDEO` #Nur der Pfad mkfilename="${filename%.*}-${filedate}.mkv" #Nur der Filename des Zielfiles tempfile="/home/hts/convert/$filename" #Name des temp-files targetfile="/home/hts/convert/${filename%.*}-${filedate}.mkv" #Nur der Name des Zielfeiles ohne Pfad MKVIDEO="$filepath/${filename%.*}-${filedate}.mkv" #Kompletter Pfad des neuen Files copyok=0 #Fehler-Flag auf 0 initialisieren echo -e "$(date): Starting conversion of ${TSVIDEO} to ${MKVIDEO}" echo -e "$(date): Starting conversion of ${TSVIDEO} to ${MKVIDEO}" >> $logfile if [ ! -d "/home/hts/convert" ]; then mkdir "/home/hts/convert" fi # Kopiert in lokales tmp-Directory, Konvertiert dort in MKV und kopiert dann auf TVH zurück. echo -e "$(date): Copying ${filename} to /home/hts/convert/" echo -e "$(date): Copying ${filename} to /home/hts/convert/" >> $logfile nice -20 cp -f "$TSVIDEO" "$tempfile" && echo -e "$(date): Converting ${filename} to ${mkfilename}" && echo -e "$(date): Converting ${filename} to ${mkfilename}" >> $logfile && nice -20 /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "$tempfile" -sn -vcodec copy -acodec copy -flags +global_header -f matroska "$targetfile" && echo -e "$(date): Copying final file back to ${MKVIDEO}" && echo -e "$(date): Copying final file back to ${MKVIDEO}" >> $logfile && nice -20 cp -f "$targetfile" "$MKVIDEO" && #File erst mit falscher Endung (.ts) rüberkopieren, damit TVH die Database nicht löscht # Uncomment if you wish to ensure group-level access #echo "$(date): Changing permissions on ${MKVIDEO}.mkv" #chmod 664 "$MKVIDEO" && copyok=1 #OK-Flag setzen wenn bis hierhin erfolgreich if [ "$copyok" -eq 0 ]; then echo "File copy / conversion failed! Exiting" echo "File copy / conversion failed! Exiting" >> $logfile rm -f "$tempfile" rm -f "$targetfile" # Temp-File löschen exit 1 fi # If you need user/pass for Tvheadend access, change the URL to: # "http://${_TVH_USER}:${_TVH_PASS}@${_TVH_IP}:${_TVH_PORT}${_API_ENDPOINT}". # Also, check that the user/pass variables are set echo -e "$(date): Notifying Tvheadend of the change from ${filename} to ${mkfilename}" echo -e "$(date): Notifying Tvheadend of the change from ${filename} to ${mkfilename}" >> $logfile success=0 repeat=0 while [ "$repeat" -lt 5 ]; do if ${_BIN_CURL} -s "http://${_TVH_USER}:${_TVH_PASS}@${_TVH_IP}:${_TVH_PORT}${_API_ENDPOINT}" \ --data-urlencode "src=${TSVIDEO}" \ --data-urlencode "dst=${MKVIDEO}" > /dev/null; then echo -e "$(date): Notification successful!" echo -e "$(date): Notification successful!" >> $logfile success=1 break else echo -e "$(date): Notification attempt failed ..." echo -e "$(date): Notification attempt failed ..." >> $logfile sleep 30 fi repeat=$((repeat+1)) done if [ "$success" -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "$(date): All done, deleting ${TSVIDEO}" echo -e "$(date): All done, deleting ${TSVIDEO}" >> $logfile rm -f "$TSVIDEO" # Original TS-File löschen else echo -e "$(date): Could not notify TVH about the change - deleting ${MKVIDEO} and leaving original file" echo -e "$(date): Could not notify TVH about the change - deleting ${MKVIDEO} and leaving original file" >> $logfile rm -f "$MKVIDEO" # Neues MKV-File löschen fi echo -e "$(date): Removing temporary files" echo -e "$(date): Removing temporary files" >> $logfile rm -f "$tempfile" rm -f "$targetfile" # Temp-File löschen if [ "$success" -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "$(date): Conversion task of ${filename} finished OK" echo -e "$(date): Conversion task of ${filename} finished OK" >> $logfile else echo -e "$(date): Conversion task of ${filename} FAILED" echo -e "$(date): Conversion task of ${filename} FAILED" >> $logfile fi
RE: Post processing: Sometimes TVH misses an extension change (rename) .ts -> .mkv - Added by Hiro Protagonist over 5 years ago
I have had issues recording some IPTV sources. Generally I find the local ones OK, but stuff on the other side of the world can be prone to errors. I've tried recording with MKV, but errors at the start of the stream can result in sound, but no picture, or vice-versa, or recordings with weird aspect ratios etc.
Using the 'pass' profile has its problems too, errors in a transport stream can result in a recording that can be played, but pausing, fast forwarding or skipping forward or back can result in the whole thing freezing, and the only option is to quit and play from the start again.
I've made modified version of the scripts above - I hope someone finds them useful.
The remuxing script can be used to manually remux previously recorded .ts files by passing the full path to the file[s] on the commandline:
tvhremux /path/to/file1.ts /path/to/file2.ts ...
When called with no parameters, it will process task files saved by - one invocation will process all task files present. When post processing, a lock mechanism ensures only 1 runs in the case of 2 instances being started simultaneously.
#!/bin/bash # Modify to suit your server HOME=/home/pi/.hts/convert/ LOGFILE="/tmp/conversions.log" BINDIR="/usr/local/bin" # variables TSVIDEO=$1 #Full path to recording error=$2 #error from tvheadend recorder "OK" if no error filedate=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M'` filename=`basename $TSVIDEO` filepath=`dirname $TSVIDEO` taskfile="$HOME${filename%.*}-${filedate}.tsk" # Full path to task file echo "\n\n$(date): *** Creating conversion task for ${TSVIDEO} ***" | tee -a $LOGFILE if [ ! -d "$HOME" ]; then mkdir "$HOME" fi if [ $error = "OK" ]; then echo "${TSVIDEO}" >> $taskfile # Kick off remuxer $BINDIR/ & else echo "$(date): TVH returned error for recording of ${TSVIDEO}" | tee -a $LOGFILE exit 1 fi exit 0
#!/bin/bash # Modify to suit your server HOME="/home/pi/.hts/convert" TVH_USER="admin" TVH_PASS="secret" TVH_IP="" TVH_PORT="9981" API_ENDPOINT="/api/dvr/entry/filemoved" BIN_CURL="/usr/bin/curl" LOGFILE="/tmp/conversions.log" # remux $1 to $2 & notify TVH remux() { SRC=$1 DST=$2 if [ -e $SRC ] && [ ! -e $DST ] ; then echo -e "$(date): Starting conversion of \n${SRC} to \n${DST}" | tee -a $LOGFILE ffmpeg -i $SRC -c copy $DST if [ $? -eq 0 -a -e $DST ] ; then echo -e "$(date): Notifying Tvheadend of the change from\n$(basename $SRC) to \n$(basename $DST)" | tee -a $LOGFILE SUCCESS=0 REPEAT=0 while [ "$REPEAT" -lt 5 ]; do if ${BIN_CURL} -s "http://${TVH_USER}:${TVH_PASS}@${TVH_IP}:${TVH_PORT}${API_ENDPOINT}" \ --data-urlencode "src=${SRC}" \ --data-urlencode "dst=${DST}" > /dev/null; then echo -e "$(date): Notification successful!" | tee -a $LOGFILE SUCCESS=1 break else let REPEAT++ echo -e "$(date): Notification attempt $REPEAT failed ..." | tee -a $LOGFILE sleep 30 fi done if [ "$SUCCESS" -gt 0 ]; then echo -e "$(date): All done, deleting ${SRC}" | tee -a $LOGFILE rm $SRC else echo -e "$(date): Could not notify TVH about the change - deleting ${DST} and leaving original file" | tee -a $LOGFILE rm -f $DST fi else echo "$(date): Conversion task of ${SRC} FAILED" | tee -a $LOGFILE if [ -e $DST ] ; then rm $DST fi fi else if [ ! -e $SRC ] ; then echo -e "$(date): ${SRC} not found" | tee -a $LOGFILE fi if [ -e $DST ] ; then echo -e "$(date): ${DST} already exits" | tee -a $LOGFILE fi fi } # Do conversion of $1, handling multiple files if -n.ts suffix is present convert() { FTYPE=mkv INFILE=$1 NAME=$(basename $INFILE) FILENAME=${NAME%.ts} PATHNAME=$(dirname $INFILE) VID=$PATHNAME/$FILENAME.$FTYPE TERM=${FILENAME:(-2)} TERM2=${TERM:0:1} if [ "$TERM2" = "-" ] ; then SUFFIX=${TERM:1} else SUFFIX="" fi # If we have a suffix of say, -3 - then we need to account for: # # # # if [ -n "$SUFFIX" ] ; then FNAME=${FILENAME%%??} while [ $SUFFIX -gt 0 ] do remux $PATHNAME/$FNAME-$SUFFIX.ts $PATHNAME/$FNAME-$SUFFIX.$FTYPE let SUFFIX-- done remux $PATHNAME/$FNAME.ts $PATHNAME/$FNAME.$FTYPE else remux $INFILE $VID fi } if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then # Commandline usage - convert each parameter [full path to file]. for FILE in $@ ; do convert $FILE done else # Postprocessing - read all task files & convert # # Random delay of up to 10 sec to ensure when two # instances are started simultaneously, only 1 will continue # LOCK=/var/lock/$(basename $0).lock RANDOM=$$ DELAY=$(expr $RANDOM % 10) echo Waiting for $DELAY sec sleep $DELAY if [ -e $LOCK ]; then echo exiting as $LOCK exists exit 0 fi touch $LOCK # Check for new taskfiles for TASK in $HOME/*.tsk; do if [ -f "$TASK" ] ; then # Get the first line from the file in $TSVIDEO TSVIDEO="" while IFS='' read -r TSVIDEO || [[ -n "$TSVIDEO" ]]; do break done < $TASK rm -f $TASK if [ -n "$TSVIDEO" -a -f "$TSVIDEO" ]; then echo -e "$(date): Conversion file found: ${TSVIDEO}" | tee -a $LOGFILE convert $TSVIDEO fi fi done rm -f $LOCK fi
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RE: Post processing: Sometimes TVH misses an extension change (rename) .ts -> .mkv - Added by Hiro Protagonist about 5 years ago
An update on above.
Sometimes the conversion fails with an ffmpeg error 'dimensions not set'. This can happen when you get corrupted data at the start of a stream.
This can be fixed by adding -analyzeduration to the ffmpeg commandline, e.g.
ffmpeg -fflags +genpts -analyzeduration 15M -i $SRC -c copy $DST