WebSite using Tvheadend streming link how ?
Added by Issa Issa about 7 years ago
so i have my server with tvheadend working with vlc player,
so now i want create a web page to access to all my channel froom tvheadend :
this is my channel files :
is an extract :
#EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1,TF1 #EXTINF:-1,France 2 #EXTINF:-1,F3 Aquitaine #EXTINF:-1,CANAL+ #EXTINF:-1,France 5 #EXTINF:-1,M6 #EXTINF:-1,Arte #EXTINF:-1,D8 #EXTINF:-1,W9 #EXTINF:-1,TMC #EXTINF:-1,NT1 #EXTINF:-1,NRJ12 #EXTINF:-1,LCP
ok now i create my web page :
<head> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- If you'd like to support IE8 --> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="264" poster="" data-setup="{}"> <source src="" type='video/mp4'> <p class="vjs-no-js"> To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that <a href="" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a> </p> </video> <script src=""></script> </body>
of course not working :
i have the message :
Media resource could not be decoded. index.html All candidate resources failed to load. Media load paused. index.html Media resource could not be decoded, error: Error Code: NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_METADATA_ERR (0x806e0006)
i found this in tvheadend log :
2018-01-06 12:01:05.694 subscription: 0019: "HTTP" unsubscribing from "TF1", hostname="", client="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0" 2018-01-06 12:02:22.166 mpegts: 546MHz in FrenchTV - tuning on Afatech AF9033 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0 2018-01-06 12:02:22.450 subscription: 001A: "HTTP" subscribing on channel "TF1", weight: 100, adapter: "Afatech AF9033 (DVB-T) : DVB-T #0", network: "FrenchTV", mux: "546MHz", provider: "SMR6", service: "TF1", profile="matroska", hostname="", client="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0" 2018-01-06 12:02:24.317 mkv: WEBM format supports only VP8+VORBIS streams (detected H264) 2018-01-06 12:02:24.317 mkv: WEBM format supports only VP8+VORBIS streams (detected EAC3) 2018-01-06 12:02:24.317 mkv: WEBM format supports only VP8+VORBIS streams (detected EAC3) 2018-01-06 12:02:24.317 mkv: WEBM format supports only VP8+VORBIS streams (detected EAC3) 2018-01-06 12:02:24.317 mkv: WEBM format supports only VP8+VORBIS streams (detected DVBSUB) 2018-01-06 12:02:24.317 mkv: WEBM format supports only VP8+VORBIS streams (detected DVBSUB)
so my question is how get a link with mp4 link to see on my webbrowser ?
Source :
Replies (2)
RE: WebSite using Tvheadend streming link how ?
Added by Issa Issa about 7 years ago
No way
streaming works with internet explorer and not with Firefox i m totaly crazy !!!!
with this code :
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- If you'd like to support IE8 -->
<script src=""></script>
<video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="264"
poster="_YPTuniqid_5a4e6b51cc78c4.71777935.jpg" data-setup="{}">
<source src="_YPTuniqid_5a4e6b51cc78c4.71777935_HD.mp4" type='video/mp4'>
<p class="vjs-no-js">
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that
<a href="" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a>
<video id="my-video" class="video-js" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="264"
poster="_YPTuniqid_5a4e6b51cc78c4.71777935.jpg" data-setup="{}">
<source src="" type='video/mp4'>
<p class="vjs-no-js">
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that
<a href="" target="_blank">supports HTML5 video</a>
<script src=""></script>
RE: WebSite using Tvheadend streming link how ?
Added by saen acro about 7 years ago
if some one success
some more info
also make difference from continuous live stream and file stream