VC Stream as Channel (4.3-109)
Added by Brian Blake over 7 years ago
In my house i have a Ubuntu box ( Media-PC running TVH 4.3-109 as the primary recorder and player for the house. Around the bedrooms office etc i have a series of Raspberry Pi's running OpenElec as we don't have Coax cabling in the house.
I'm trying to have the Media-PC render a VLC stream of a USB Analoge tv capture device which is plugged into Media-PC. I can make this work by setting up the VLC Stream and then opening (via VLC on networked Mac) on
I want this feed to appear as a "channel" in my OpenElec boxes. To date no luck with this. In earlier versions of TVH i have had this working but cannot for the life of me figure out the 4.3.x method.
I have created both Auto and non networks and to Muxes with a variety of options. to date no luck. When clicking on the "play this stream" option in Muxes it opens in VLC for me but nothing plays. I can still connect to it with my Mac s the stream is running fine however.
Below is the output i'm getting to the playlist file.
Thanks for any help offered, i know its an odd request but it would be much appreciated any pointers.
-------Downloaded m3u file when clicking "Play Stream"-----
#EXTINF:-1,SkyTv / SkyFeeds
Replies (2)
RE: VC Stream as Channel (4.3-109)
Added by Mark Clarkstone over 7 years ago
You need to make sure the vlc output is in ts format. You could bypass vlc completely and use something like ffmpeg & the pipe option [in tvh].
Take a look at my answer here:
RE: VC Stream as Channel (4.3-109)
Added by Brian Blake over 7 years ago
Ive had a poke around with ffmpeg and it looks like what i'm after but the command line beats me every time. It would be a heck of a lot simpler once the CLI is mastered i'm sure. Very much the rookie here..... Will have a look at those links and see what i can work out.