


TVheadend install destroys Raspbian Jessie (PI 2)

Added by Richi Kane about 9 years ago

i just installed the newest Raspbian ( on my PI 2
and installed tvheadend (rep: deb ttp:// jessie stable/unstable/release[tried all of them])
i also noticed that it installed alot of perl-stuff. but i got no errors.

when i finished install no service is running.

and after a reboot i couldnt even get into the raspbian system(it starts to boot) but than that "_" is only blinking for hours...nothing happens

does anybody got tvheadend running on a PI2 with raspbian Jessie ?

Replies (4)

RE: TVheadend install destroys Raspbian Jessie (PI 2) - Added by Mark Clarkstone about 9 years ago

I've ran Tvheadend on a Pi and Pi 2 without any issues.

However from what you've described it sounds like your sd card is failing.

RE: TVheadend install destroys Raspbian Jessie (PI 2) - Added by Richi Kane about 9 years ago

thanks for u answer.

i guess the SD card is damaged.
or maybe 8GB arent enough.

im also very big noob in linux maybe there is unallocated space on my sdCard....cause it shows 0% left on a 3GB partition. guess its all my fault :D

RE: TVheadend install destroys Raspbian Jessie (PI 2) - Added by Hiro Protagonist almost 9 years ago

I've successfully installed TVh on raspian jessie without problems.

An 8gb card is plenty big enough, mine currently has 1.6G used & 5.3 free. I did install jessie lite though, but 8gb would still be tons even for normal raspian.

Sounds like you'll have to re-install raspbian - maybe a new SD card is in order?

RE: TVheadend install destroys Raspbian Jessie (PI 2) - Added by hans flauscher almost 9 years ago

I just did a clean new install yesterday: RPi2, 4GB SD card, using Raspbian Lite, latest stable version of tvh - no problems.
